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Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Raw Reax - 9/2/13

Read on for my take on last night's Raw.

That was a really great opening segment. I really feel the characters of HHH, Orton, and Bryan. I cringed at the Doink reference due to his untimely and sad demise, but all in all, the segment was really good. I wonder how long they can keep the angle going if they're already throwing out Bryan vs. Show, though.

Man. HHH and Orton are just natural in these roles, no? I like them bringing in Rhodes' wedding to the angle to add some realism WITHOUT doing the whole "real name" crap.

Miz vs. Fandango wasn't bad at all. Where the heck is Rosa Mendes? They could have easily done something to set up a mixed tag here.

Great segment with Bryan and Booker. Booker knows what HHH can put someone through (as per their feud leading to WM19).

Ryback vs. Ziggler was nice IF Ziggler gets his heat back. I don't know if the win did more to help Ryback or to bring Ziggler further down. Both men are low on the totem pole compared to a few months back.

I'm intrigued about where they can go with Show. Though I know he signed a 5-year deal earlier in the year, so he's going to be around FOREVER.

If Los Matadores come to the ring on a real bull, all will be forgiven.

Ouch! Stephanie hit hard on that one. This is a pretty good angle (definitely better than Aces and Eights vs. MEM and Hogan).

Since Edge isn't a WWE employee, what if he Spears someone next week? (I don't know if he even can/should after his injuries).

Pretty impressive showing by PTP there. I don't know if they'll be in line to face The Shield anytime soon, but they're definitely on a roll.

I love how Heyman will blatantly be dishonest with his emotions in order to try to manipulate people. I also love how HHH is something of a caricature of himself with all the talk about "business" (he drops that word a LOT in interviews).

That was another awesome promo from Bray Wyatt. I can't wait for Round 2 with Kane. I hope they don't feed Wyatt to Kane, because he has a lot of potential to be someone of note.

Orton vs. Rhodes was really good. Rhodes continues to grow as a performer, which is great. Keep an eye on him.

Evil HHH strikes again. This could lead to something really interesting for Rhodes when he comes back.

That was a really good emotional promo from Punk.

I'm really ready for Bryan vs. Show. Show heel turn incoming?

Wow. That was a mess. It felt like they were really crunched for time and threw a bunch of stuff out there at once (like an X-Division match in TNA).

Who is the face in this storyline? AJ got beat down by 3 people. That's usually something that happens to faces. Oy.

Pretty good stuff between Van Dam and Sandow (not that I'm surprised). I was half-hoping that they'd do something where Del Rio cost RVD the win, but no dice. Sandow's been on quite the losing streak since winning MITB. It doesn't seem like they know what to do with him, angle-wise.

I feel like there are going to be some crazy shenanigans in that Fatal Four Way to get the Title from AJ to someone else without AJ being in the fall. I think it's too soon for her to lose it, even to promote Total Divas.

Oh, man! That was a really good promo from Rhodes. I think if they do this right, he could come back really hot.

Ooooohhh... interesting ending. I like when matches are more than "I want to beat you to show that I'm a better wrestler and can win championships". That gets super boring.

I HATE when they use shoot names. No one calls Iron Man "Robert Downey, Jr." in his movies. Other than that, AWESOME ending. I'm hoping they make Show cost Bryan the Title at NoC to lead to Bryan finally overcoming Show on his way to Orton on his way to HHH. To me, the end of the angle is Bryan making HHH tap for the WWE Title at Mania.

More wrestling coming up.

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