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Wednesday, August 10, 2016

Smackdown Reax - 8/9/16

Read on for my thoughts on last night's Smackdown.

- Orton and Del Rio backstage:
I love little segments like this. In hardly any time at all, they introduced us to tonight's main event and pushed a big match Summerslam. Even if someone had never seen WWE before, they would know Orton's character and Del Rio's going to focus on his arm and all that. Simple, but effective.

- Wyatts/Ambrose/Ziggler collision:
It's really weird for Bray to just have one underling. Maybe Harper returns to bring the original branch of the Family back together. Until then, Bray and Rowan could theoretically hold the Smackdown version of the tag team titles.

I'm enjoying the re-establishment of Bray. It's good acts can grow without competition with as many other acts on the same show.

I don't like Dean the pandering babyface.

Dolph didn't waste any time with a big rambling promo. He just showed up and made it a fight.

I'm shocked Bryan and/or Shane didn't run out to make a STRAIGHT-UP TAG TEAM MATCH.

- Ziggler/Dolph backstage:
That was a better way to set up the main event. The authority figures were just there to make things official. They didn't dominate the screen time.

- A. Alpha vs. M. O'Shea/Vega:
I'm liking the return of squashing random jobbers.

I guess there weren't enough monitors in the back for everyone to watch the match without a fight breaking out.

The former NXT tag champs are really impressive and smooth.

I love me a big tag team brawl.

- IC Title hype segment:
I love the arrogance of Miz and Maryse. Fun stuff overall. I really hope Apollo doesn't get shafted in this feud.

- Becky vs. Eva:
Well then. Eva Marie would have been right at home in the Attitude Era and original brand split. Is she going to marry Becky's dad and kill him on their wedding night?

- Becky/Alexa promo:
I like Becky wanting to wrestle. I REALLY hope her star doesn't lose its luster on Smackdown.

Alexa has been a real treat in NXT as a heel. I'm looking forward to this.

- Becky vs. Alexa:
Well that was weird. I was hoping we'd get more from these two competing, as Alexa could use more in-ring experience at this level. She's good, but she's still growing.

I hope this brand as a whole doesn't shy away from good women's action in favor of fluff.

- Eva interview:
I'm mostly liking Eva's heel act. They're clearly covering up her lack of in-ring skill, but I hope she's doing a lot of training when she gets the chance.

- Orton vs. Del Rio:
Nice action early from the two WWE veterans.

I like the physicality here.

I couldn't watch these two face off every week or anything, but I think they can put on really good action.

I'm really enjoying the counter-wrestling, but also seeing Randy's signature spots again.

Nice ending. Wins and losses aren't everything. Sometimes someone's so mean they just want to hurt someone.


Nice post-match, too. I wouldn't mind the story at Summerslam being about the shape of Orton's arms after surgery and Del Rio's attacks.

- Rhyno/Slater segment:
Slater's absolutely great here trying to get sympy. Rhyno was good in his role, too. I liked this selling the match and presenting Rhyno as a babyface with people to fight for while Slater's dishonest in his quest for a WWE contract.

- Miz/Scooby segment:
That was AMAZING. Really, really stupid, but Miz sold it and made it work. PG comedy can be funny at times.

- Rhyno vs. Slater:
Nice back-and-forth to start things off.

I love Slater trying to win by any means necessary. He wants that contract!

Fun match. Rhyno's probably best in smaller doses these days, and Slater's been entertaining for quite some time.

- Wyatts promo:
I look forward to seeing what Bray and Rowan do tonight.

- Slater/Bryan/Shane segment:
Heath is KILLING it as the free agent. I'm sure he'd rather be WWE Champion or something, but it's better to be used consistently in a televised role than "Creative having nothing for you" leading to having to make a living on the indie scene.

- Natalya/Carmella segment:
Nice fire from Carmella. I like her showing a side beyond catchphrases.

- Natalya vs. Carmella:
Natalya's heel turn was more or less out of nowhere, but she's doing a good job with it.

I like Natalya being used as a teacher for people with less in-ring experience. That's needed.

That was pretty solid, although it was pretty much Natalya working her over until Carmella got the surprise win. Hopefully Carmella's still doing training to improve.

- Corbin attacking Kalisto:
Simple story of bully heel attacking small babyface with a lot of heart. Sometimes that's all that's needed to keep something going.

- Bray/Rowan vs. Ziggler/Ambrose:
Nice start by the heels to get an advantage. No shaking hands and wanting to be the better wrestler here.

These names all work together well. Size vs. speed here.

Rowan being the big guy slowing things down is a good role. Not everyone needs to go 100 mph.

Ziggler and Ambrose make a pretty good team. I hope Summerslam brings out a contrast between the two instead of it just being "two guys who go all out and take a lot of bumps." Rollins and Balor have a similar potential hurdle.

That was mostly good. I guess the superkick is a believable finisher this week.

Fun ending to the show.

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