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Friday, September 9, 2016

Impact Wrestling Reax - 9/8/16

Read on for my thoughts on last night's Impact Wrestling.
- Delete or Decay opening:
I'm crying. This is hilarious. I'm aware of the irony of loving this while saying guys like the Bucks are killing wrestling, but to each their own.

- Bennetts/Moose/Carter segment:
Well so much for killing my hype for this show by having a Bennetts promo.

At least the text message line was funny.

I miss Heel Dixie. I know I'm the only one, but it was funny in a crazy way.

Moose vs. Bennett at BFG should be good enough.

Fine enough segment.

- Bennetts backstage:
NO NO NO. I've seen enough of these two for one weak.

Tearing up their contracts sounds like a GREAT idea. Allie should be Knockouts Champion anyway.

I'm glad Maria's not in charge of the Knockouts anymore. Maria vs. Allie NEEDS to happen. Gail can face Sienna or Jade or someone.

- Gail/Jade vs. Sienna/Allie:
Allie and Heath Slater have probably been the two best babyfaces in a while, since neither comes across as forced in that role, as in the company making us feel we have to cheer them. We've grown to like them naturally.

Sienna/Allie is the real story here.

This is a good match, as far as action and as far as the story goes.

That was great, because it wasn't just about winning the match. The grudges between the wrestlers should supersede wins and losses.

NICE babyface moment in the post-match. They're really doing a great job with Allie.

- Corgan promo:
I'm really interested to see what things look like in 2017 under Corgan's leadership. We're already getting some indications of that.

- Zoo segment:
I'm DYING. This is great in how ridiculous it is.

That spot monkeys segment had me literally laughing out loud. I love it.

- Grand Championship revealing:
Oh yay, another belt for the small roster.

Drew's great as a face and a heel. I wasn't a fan of the cringey Stand Up for PROFESSIONAL WRESTLING thing he had when he started in TNA, but he's one heck of a competitor.

Oh God this sounds really stupid. Wrestling trying to be MMA generally doesn't work well, especially when on the same card as flip matches and regular wrestling matches. It just feels weird.

It didn't take long at all for TNA to make me turn on the former Sandow. He's yet another pandering "hard fighting, wrestling is my life, WWE misused me" babyface, which is ridiculous considering he was considering getting out of the business before TNA called him.

I guess this is how they're setting up Drew vs. Rex at BFG.

- Drew vs. Sutter:
Oh my God this is bad. The action's good, but the gimmick's silly as a regular thing. The Double J Double M A Challenge this isn't.

Nice action from both men. Drew's a top level guy for a reason.

This is so silly. It feels like something ROH would do. I don't see how this is supposed to coexist with segments like Delete or Decay.

That was a case of two good wrestlers being handicapped by a goofy gimmick.

- Spud vs. Sutter:
At least there's a real feud in the X-Division.

- Decay come to the battlefield:
OMG this is so small-town North Carolina.

Why does Rosemary need a ride? Wasn't she in Cameron last week?

Someone needs to cut all these vignettes together in one big video. It's amazing.

- BFG press conference:
Like anyone would show up at a TNA press conference.

Mostly good promo from EC3.

I would watch the FUCK out of Lashley vs. McGregor.

This is a really solid back-and-forth.

They've built this really well with both men's roads this year.


OH MAN. I like the idea of them fighting all through the commercial break.


- Godderz promo:
Dude, how can you care this much about a title that was just announced?

- Godderz vs. Drake:
You know, I'm liking the straight-forward action here. It's a nice change from spots.

Playing to the crowd in another faux MMA match?

OK, I'm warming up to this idea. It has potential for some interesting booking.

I love the intensity of the final round, since both men know time is running out.

That was pretty great. Both men turned it up and put on a better match than I was expecting.

 - Another Tyrus vignette:
I really hope this is leading to something. I'll pop if the Hardys call him for help tonight.

- Rex promo:
Ehhhh. I'd probably like this more if I hadn't seen the solid performances of the Sandow gimmick for years. He's not as interesting here.

- Delete or Decay:
What separates this from LU is it's not trying to be the most epic, "artistic" thing ever.

Is Matt not worried about having his actual home featured on TV? I feel like that's not the best idea.

This is one of my favorite wrestling things ever. Wrestling needs to be more goofy and fun.

Shooting fireworks at skin and flammable outfits is a really bad idea.

OH MY GOD JOSEPH PARK. I'm crying. This is amazing.

That's a dangerously shallow pool to take bumps in.

This is one of the best things to happen in wrestling in a long time. Ridiculous horror movies are a favorite of mine, and this fits right in.


Maxel in Decay paint needs to happen.


HAHHAHAHAHAAHAHA Matt absorbing the mist.

Pretty good stuff. I hope we get a proper conclusion at BFG.

More wrestling coming up.

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