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Friday, September 2, 2016

Main Event - 8/31/16 and ROH Reax - 9/1/16 Reax

Read on for my thoughts on this week's Main Event and ROH.
Main Event:
- Jey vs. Konnor:
This is OK. I definitely think both men work better in teams, since the singles scene is so crowded.

Wow, that was pretty quick. I hope The Ascension are happy with the pay they're getting, because they're not moving up the card anytime soon.

- A. Alpha vs. Breezango:
When you only have three heel teams to go up against, you run through all your potential matches pretty quickly.

Fandango's a really solid competitor. He's got a good base of skills.

Impressive work as always from the former NXT team. Breezango are showing more than we usually get to see on Smackdown.

This is quite the good encounter.

Really nice work from both sides.

That was really worth checking out. Good to see Breezango get to turn it up a notch.

- Commentary:
Matt Taven is the Jannetty to Adam Cole AND Mike Bennett. Maria, too, for that matter. He'd probably be the Jannetty to Jannetty if given a chance.

- P.B. Killers vs. War Machine:
Nice start!

Oh yay someone else who can do suicide dives. At this point it's impressive when someone does something other than flippy bullshit.

This match would be better if they didn't do flashy monkey flips and cutesy double-teams. Half the roster is high flyers. Be monsters, for Christ's sake.

This is impressive in places when they use their power. I'd like the double-teams and hard-hitting spots more if so many others didn't do that style.


God I hate Hanson.

That was a good match that could have been so much better if it was more coordinated and the big guys worked like big guys.

- Cheeseburger vs. Hughes vs. Daddiego vs. D. Starr:
Based BJ Whitmer. Hopefully he saves this terrible show.

Why are these people fighting? Why should I care about any of them other than their MOVES? Too often people are "introduced" with no character or defining characteristics. They're not in any angles or anything. They're just here to fight.

Did ROH really need ANOTHER generic wrestler to do suicide dives and high-flying moves? Is there a factory where they get people like David Starr? It just keeps on going.

I do like Tim Hughes pretty well.

- Martinez attacks:

Finally something interesting happens! All hail your new hoss. Even a mediocre big man is preferable to another generic ROHbot.

- Cabinet vs. Dalton/Boys:
The Cabinet is going to look really bad if they can't beat Dalton and his boys. They'll cement themselves as The Ascension of ROH if they lose here.


Fun for its sheer goofiness, I guess.

Funny spot with Coleman not doing a super-cool flip from the turnbuckles. He'll never get a ***** match with that attitude!

Kenny King has one hell of a leaping ability! That was incredible.

Dalton's underrated as a wrestler. One of the best total packages in ROH for actually having a character.

And I thought the Meltzer Driver was an unnecessarily complicated finisher. Sheesh.

- Adam Cole promo:
I hope Cole isn't just holding the belt for Kyle to win it in a few months. He should get a decent run with it before passing the torch.

- Addiction vs. Bucks:
And the show gets worse...

Ooooohhhh bboooyyyyyyy. What a start.

This is garbage, pure and simple.

No fists. Just flips.

The Bucks can definitely do impressive stuff. It just kills credibility of it being a real match.

It's pretty much every indy cliche spot run together.

We get it. You do superkicks. Jesus fucking Christ.

And now the other Cirque du Soleil wannabes get involved.

That was terrible as a match, but that's what gets the ***** these days. Thanks Meltz.

More wrestling tomorrow.

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