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Sunday, July 1, 2012

Query on TNA-Raw, Z! TLIS #73, Questions on MMA coverage, Eve, chairs in ECW, eating before a match, and signing with WWE, another Lesnar appearance, and an Interview with Rhodes

First up, a query:
1. I definitely don't think we'll see anything TNA-related on the 1000th Raw, or on any WWE show any time in the near future given their ongoing lawsuit. Even without the lawsuit, it was unlikely.

Here's episode #73 of Z! True Long Island Story.

For my take on the day's questions:
1. I get their stance. Had I more time to put into the blog, I might cover more non-wrestling things too.

2. If she refused, WWE wouldn't have looked too kindly on it and it wouldn't bode well for her career. I don't think she'd necessarily be fired, but I don't think they'd be happy about it.

After the break, I hit everything else from today.
3. About all I can add is that I remember someone (either Foley or Funk) almost stayed in the ring and got clobbered. TNA did something similar with Team 3D at the ECW Arena a couple of years back.

4. I'd love to know what some of the all-time greats think about that. I'm sure there are theories that it makes a difference somehow.

5. Sometimes when I think they'll just be fodder or something, but I don't think that's ever happened. A lot of times I see it as preferable to  being stuck in TNA or the indies.

Brock Lesnar is advertised for the 8/6 Raw, which is also Shawn Michaels Appreciation night. That will be fun. I hope the two things are related and he "injures" HBK to build heat for his match with HHH.

Cody Rhodes talked briefly.

More news tomorrow!

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