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Sunday, August 18, 2013

Interviews with Stone Cold/Mickie/Steiner/Punk/Sandow, Flair back with WWE, more on Brooke Hogan's release, Cena off live event, story on Charlotte, and Questions on TNA's decision-making and a Heyman DVD

Stone Cold Steve Austin talked ahead of Summerslam. He sounds really happy with where his life is right now. How cool would Stone Cold vs. The Shield would be? I agree that they shouldn't split The Shield any time soon.

Ric Flair was at Summerslam AXXESS, and WWE could bring him back in something of a PR role. That's fine by me. I think he could be a great addition to the company in that capacity (and he needs the money).

The feeling in TNA about cutting Brooke Hogan was that her role had run its course and that she was too expensive to keep around at a time of cost-cutting. I don't think that it will be hard to write her off and move forward. I can see the argument that they could have done a heel turn or something to get us through the final stage of Bully vs. Hogan, but that's a hard sell for a non-wrestler getting paid a lot to stay around another 2 months. It's not like there's a huge audience who looks forward to seeing her (that I'm aware of).

Everything else from yesterday is after the break.

Mickie James talked about leaving WWE for TNA. Sometimes it is great that something comes to an end that you initially don't want to end.

Scott Steiner also talked about TNA. It's not the high-energy yelling Steiner I know and love, but it was still cool to hear from him. I can definitely see his criticisms about Hogan and Bischoff coming in to TNA. He's not the only one who didn't/doesn't like the changes that they've made. TNA used to be a really enjoyable product, and there are still some really talented people there doing good things. But is it better with Hogan and Bischoff around? I don't think I can honestly say that. They have done some things that I think were good ideas, like ditching the 6-sixed ring (though a lot of TNA die-hards liked it and maybe they should have kept it) and bringing Jeff Hardy and RVD into the fold. As for naming one person who's more over now than pre-Hogan and Bischoff: Bully Ray. Not that that excuses some of the other bad booking.

John Cena didn't work the 8/15 live event due to his injured elbow. He is expected to work Summerslam. Maybe this would be a good time to do a title switch? I respect the hell out of Cena, but this seems like an omen to me.

C.M. Punk ripped a baseball player for being suspended for drug usage. Punk's not shy about his opinions and convictions!

Charlotte, the daughter of Ric Flair who recently debuted on WWE NXT, was profiled. Very cool stuff!

Damien Sandow was interviewed. If you enjoy Sandow's character, you'll like this. I'd have trouble keeping a straight face with someone that simultaneously entertaining and serious.

For my take on yesterday's questions:
1. LET ME TELL YOU SOMETHING, BROTHER. TNA NEEDED TO GET ON THE ROAD RIGHT THEN AND RIGHT THERE, JACK. Though to be fair, if going on the road made a better positive impression on their business, I would be praising them moving. I seem to remember ticket sales at their early tapings being pretty nice, and a LOT of people were saying that they needed to go on the road ASAP.

2. That's basically it. Maybe a "Paul Heyman Guys" DVD? I'd sure as heck watch it, but I don't know if there's a big enough audience to justify it.

3. Basically that. They've got a lot of expenses to deal with.

4. They could, but don't count on it happening anytime soon. Taeler wasn't happy there and wanted out, and Tara was apparently making a good deal more than they felt was justified, so there'd need to be some kind of "come to Jesus" meeting for anything to work out.

Nothing to add to 5. I have a bad feeling about where they're going with her character.

More wrestling coming up.

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