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Friday, August 2, 2013

Superstars and Impact Wrestling Reax - 8/1/13

Read on for my thoughts on yesterday's Superstars and Impact Wrestling.
R-Truth vs. Drew McIntyre was pretty good. Both people seemed really motivated for some reason. Maybe my conspiracy theory about roster cuts coming IS finally going to come true.

Sin Cara continues to get comfortable in a WWE ring. I like that. I owe Hawkins some props: despite his win/loss record, he doesn't seem to have lost motivation. It does seem like it's inevitable for some performers to be in the "putting others over" category, and he does that well.

Impact Wrestling:
Interesting start to the show.It's a shame that Taz presumably can't do a Tazmission on anyone anymore.

I like that even though it's only had a few days of build, TNA is treating the mystery angle as important.

The Aries and Roode segment was REALLY good for putting over the BFG Series and more. They didn't bury each other, Sabin, Styles, or anyone else. They are definitely two of TNA's best performers.

Very glad that Roode beat Hernandez. Let's just say I prefer one to the other.

I'm worried after that EY/ODB/Park segment. I really hope we're not in for too many more EY/ODB comedy segments.

The Sabin/Manik segment was also really good. I like that we're getting some fresh faces getting the spotlight. Hopefully that won't end at Hardcore Justice.

Park vs. Bradley wasn't bad for a comedy match. Given both major companies' history of comedy segments, this could have been a LOT worse.

Sabin vs. Manik wasn't bad, though it felt pretty short. It also didn't feel like two people fighting for the TNA World Title. I'm not trying to bury them here, but I don't see either man as being at that level at this stage.

The Bully Ray attack could also have been much worse. So far, they haven't "Ortoned" or "Mysterio'd" Sabin, but there's still time.

The Taz segment was kind of weird, but I guess maybe that was the point with the August 1 thing.

Fine segment between Daniels and Kazarian. I like that they were mostly serious.

Gail vs. ODB was ok, I guess. I'd much rather see Alissa Flash or Sarita (assuming Tara's out of the price range) than ODB.

The post-match was also ok.

Nice Styles promo. It's a shame that it took this long for Styles to be a compelling character. He definitely went through a phase where he wasn't someone I looked forward to seeing/hearing from (generally when he was in a faction).

Not really crazy about the Aces and Eights segment. I'm REALLY tired of the Hogan angle. Calling Bully "Mark" is also really stupid.

Aries vs. Styles was definitely pretty solid. Maybe a little "big move" heavy for my liking, but I'd rather them get to show what they can do than us get a lackluster match from some of the other members on the roster (say, Rob Terry vs. Jessie Godderz. Yikes.)

Someone from MEM or Aces will leave TNA for good? That could be cool. It depends on who leaves. There's always the argument between "this person has name value" and "they no longer have anything to contribute". It'll probably be someone fairly low on the totem pole, but I can hope, right?

So ummm... that's that I guess. Looks like I've got to put on my "TNA defender" hat again: I don't know how much of a "draw" Tito is in 2013 or if he'll have any lasting mark on the wrestling landscape, but he does have name value and there's some crossover potential with Bellator fans. I would definitely have preferred someone like Adam Pearce who could be a contributor for years to come and something of a homegrown TNA star, but I see why they did what they did.

More wrestling coming up.

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