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Saturday, August 17, 2013

Smackdown Reax - 8/16/13

Read on for my thoughts on last night's Smackdown.
I really loved Bray's promo. The whole segment was really good, but I'm really feeling Bray's mic work. Where so many promos seem to be pretty generic (I'm going to beat you, I'm better than you, etc.), his have a lot more life to them.

Christian vs. Sandow was pretty good from a technical standpoint. I'm just really seeing the complaint that WWE has too much "even-steven" booking where one side wins but the other has an "out". I normally don't mind that, but for whatever reason it's starting to feel a little cutesy.

They continue to have Del Rio look somewhat ineffective. I guess it's just another case of them wanting to show that the Champion can be beat. But if too many people can (and do) beat the Champion, it doesn't really mean as much to take the Title from him.

I liked the RVD/Show/Henry segment. On one hand I want The Shield to dispose of them, but on the other the win needs to really mean something.

I enjoyed the Divas' tag match. While I wanted an AJ/Layla feud, I could be down with AJ vs. Natalya.

Yeah; Ryback can beat up random bystanders, but he can't go over definitively in a big match.

That Heyman/Punk stuff was pretty cool.

Oh shi-. I guess this means that Ambrose is going over on the pre-show. I'm hoping that this turns into a pretty good little feud where The Shield gets a big rub. I don't think that The Shield destroying three such decorated stars does as much good as them winning an epic struggle.

Based Colter. That's all I have to say. His character's so refreshing because he goes places that most characters seemingly don't or won't go.

Miz vs. Swagger was pretty nice. I wouldn't mind Miz's hosting leading to a match at Summerslam.

Axel vs. Ryder was pretty good as well. Both guys work hard.

Good stuff with Heyman. Totally ready for Punk/Lesnar.

That ending match/segment was all kinds of convoluted and crazy. That isn't necessarily a bad thing; it just felt like they used a lot of "surprises" - additional characters coming out and false finishes.

More wrestling coming up.

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