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Friday, November 29, 2013

Superstars and Impact Wrestling Reax - 11/28/13

Read on for my thoughts on the Thanksgiving editions of Superstars and Impact Wrestling.
Remember when Fandango beat Chris Jericho at WrestleMania? Yeah, he's really gone downhill since then. Obviously, not every performer can be a big deal, but they've really done wrong with a lot of guys.

That was a pretty good tag match. I'm really impressed by the Real Americans, and the Usos continue to grow as a team. This was just missing a Zeb Colter promo about Thanksgiving and/or Samoa. Come on, WWE. That one's a softball. You should have hit it out of the park.

Impact Wrestling:
I'm sure a lot of people would love to bury Aces and Eights for TNA.

I liked the opening segment. Glad Rockstar Spud has a role now. They need to make the best use of the talents they have before looking outside the roster for additions.

Curry Man!!! I missed Curry Man. I'm ok with the EC3 squash train continuing.

Hey, they found a role for Zema Ion, too! They're starting to rebuild things after the Hogan era.

Not too bad of a debut from Tapa. I've definitely seen worse. Let's give her some time to progress before writing her off. She just started!

Not crazy about that comedy segment. Very much a lame-duck show tonight in the lull following Turning Point going into a new month of angles.

Well, at least that match/segment was relatively quick. Norv and Dewey are growing on me.

I liked the Dixie segment to set something up for next week. I wonder if/when we'll see AJ in TNA again.

Blah, blah, blah. More non-wrestling stuff. I've got other stuff to do...

That was kind of a funny Aces and Eights segment, with the D-Lo bobblehead, Hogan references and Joe ending. Silly stuff, but that's OK every once in a while. I'm really tired of Bully Ray, personally. He's good at what he does, but it's time to give it a break.

That was really something. Pretty good main event. EGO makes a pretty well-oiled machine.

Cool post-match. I'm ready for a blowoff to Angle vs. Roode with Roode reaching a new level.

Nice segment with Roode after the match. This is the kind of thing WWE needs more of.

That was an odd ending, but I guess it made sense with the Thanksgiving theme.

More wrestling coming up!

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