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Saturday, November 2, 2013

Superstars and Smackdown Reax - 11/1/13

Read on for my thoughts on yesterday's Superstars and Smackdown.

Naomi vs. Aksana wasn't bad at all. Both competitors have improved. They both need work to be part of the top level of Divas, but this was nice to show that they're putting in some work.

I enjoyed Kofi vs. Santino. It was lighthearted, but both performers did some good things from a wrestling perspective.

I'm not sure if that was the typical bad Cena promo or if he made it extra dumb because he's working the "B" show now. I did not miss him on my TV at all. Everyone else in the segment earns my praise, though. Especially given what they had to work with.

Nice Shield promo. But when is that not the case?

A little disappointed that the once-mighty Shield has lost again, but the Usos showed some nice fire here. And the heels can't win ALL the time.

Nice post-match. Langston vs. Reigns could be pretty special. Not necessarily a great match, but nice from a spectacle standpoint of two big bulls going at it.

Good Wyatt promo, though it's getting kind of repetitive. As long as the group doesn't get fed to Cena 3-on-1, we're good for now.

I enjoyed the Wyatts vs. PTP. I guess we'll eventually get the Wyatts vs. Goldust and Cody for the tag team titles. It made sense to build the Wyatts with a win here.

Fine post-match to keep momentum going for the Wyatts.

While I liked Orton taking out Miz, I don't like that he verbally buried Miz as a nobody. If "no one cares" about Miz, why should fans watch him?

I liked the six-Diva tag. AJ's quite talented. I guess Natalya's going to challenge her for the Title again. I think it's about time for AJ to get some new challengers.

I wonder if HHH will fire Otunga? It's not like he's doing much of anything. I'm personally willing to see what Otunga can bring to the table at this point as an on-screen character. I wouldn't cast him off without giving him another shot on TV. I don't see why they couldn't keep him around as some kind of ambassador if they cut him as a wrestler.

That could have definitely been worse as far as Cena hogging the spotlight. I think the other performers in the match got to show off some impressive stuff. If we have to see Cena on Fridays, I hope he's not the focal point. Otherwise, how will new stars break out?

More wrestling coming up.

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