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Thursday, April 13, 2017

NXT and ROH Reax - 4/12/17

Read on for my thoughts on last night's NXT and ROH.
-- NXT:
- Black vs. Hollis:
Hahahaha what?? That was certainly different!

Aleister's definitely got something worth developing.

- Tye interview:
I'm very glad Dillinger's getting a nod and hopefully some coin after so many years working at it.

I'm all for a steel cage match. That should be good.

- #DIY vs. Miley/Blais:
Dylan Miley is a HOSS.

Good work early.

Fun stuff with Miley being big and Ciampa being technically adept.

Pretty good interplay here.

#DIY are really good as a duo.

Fine overall.

- Post-match:

Fine to establish the new big man project.

- Ember promo:
I like Ember's character not just being "I'm going to show I'm a better wrestler than you are and win the championship." That gets old SO quickly.

- Riot promo:
She's someone to keep an eye on. WWE has done a good job of recruiting and training talented women in the past few years.

- Riot vs. Frankele:
Both ladies are clearly game.

Not bad at all!

- Billie/Peyton/Aliyah/Liv:
Meh. I love Billie and Peyton and I'm glad there's a healthy number of women wrestlers here, but I'm ready for some stuff so be shaken up here.

- McIntyre vs. Oney:
Oh this is fun right out of the gate.

Lorcan's got potential.

OUCHHHH that tilt-o-whirl to the apron!

Glad Drew's back.

This is solid! Oney's making the most of this big moment and Drew's a deserving top guy.

Not bad at all!

- Drew promo:
Drew could absolutely have signed with a number of different entities. He's that good.

- Shinsuke ceremony:
I applaud Nakamura for trying something new with his career. It's brave and shows how good he really is.

This is a pretty good moment.

It's going to be weird to see NXT without Shinsuke.

I really want to see another round of Finn vs. Nakamura at some point.

-- ROH:
- Opening video:
ROH is kind of a mess considering two weeks ago they aired an iPPV showing Bully and the Briscoes having won the tag team titles. They've also taped more TV since then.

- Martinez vs. Hanson:
Aaagggghhhhh. Everyone in ROH has to do cool moves and dives.


Both men are talented at what they do.

SO MUCH FLYING AROUND for two big guys. It's overkill.


I've had more than enough flying for one episode of ROH, much less one match.


Thank God that's over. That wasn't even "mediocre." It was just a mess.

- Hangman/Kazarian:
I wouldn't be too shocked to see Hangman get an ROH Title shot against Daniels. That would be great.

- Stallion vs. Skyler:
Skyler will also be part of an upcoming NXT episode taped before the final match of this tournament.

That started well enough.

Skyler seems to have a good base.

Someone's going to get REALLY badly hurt with a missed suicide dive. This quest for ****+ of highspots is killing me.

This isn't bad when they stay in the ring.

Nice German spots.

Wow. Not bad!!

Both men are work checking out.

That was impressive!

- Cole/Bucks:
I really wonder what they're going to do with Cole if he stays in ROH. They pretty much have to turn him face if he's splitting from the Bullet Club. He could use some new opponents.

- Marseglia/Taven/Silas:
I'm glad Silas gets this opportunity, although it seems like something of an odd fit for the flippy young boys.

- Bully/Briscoes vs. Marseglia/Taven/Silas:
Uggghhhh.... so tired of Bully Ray's schtick.

At least working with Bully is something new with the Briscoes.

Kind of bland work.

I do like all the tagging.

Ha. Good use of Silas.

I'm liking Silas here. He's one of the best parts of ROH (which I know isn't saying much).

The Briscoes are wrestling machines, and the Kingdom work together pretty well.

That wasn't bad!

More wrestling coming up.

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