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Tuesday, April 25, 2017

Raw Reax - 4/24/17

Read on for my thoughts on last night's Raw.
- Highlight Reel:
Does anyone else really expect this to be the last Highlight Reel on Raw? I think he'll match Mick Foley on the WWE appearance longevity scale before it's all said and done.

OK, that Southpaw reference got me. That was a really funny project.

I wonder what Y2J's next steps will be once the Owens feud wraps up.

Ehhhhh the "I'm my own guest" thing is really tired at this point.

Another Miz/Jericho feud? Not much more ground to cover there.

Nice line about the it couple.

I was wondering when we'd see another talk show try to take over the talk show that took over the initial talk show.

Angle would get a big pop from me for canceling all three talk shows.

Jericho vs. Ambrose was a pretty good feud when it wasn't silly talk show stuff.

OK, Jericho getting a new jacket was a nice bookend to the first feud.

This is going on long.

PHEW. Not a great segment overall if it's not leading to a match later.

- M. Hardy vs. Sheamus:
Good action so far.

Matt's still got fire after 500,000 bumps.

NICE Side Effect spot.

It seems like every match has to have some kind of scary bump now for it to look a real fight.

Good psychology at work.

I'm liking the two veterans showing their years of experience.

Not bad at all!

- Post-match:
I was fine with that not turning into a beatdown by the Europeans. It would have been too predictable.

- Angle/Miz/Maryse:
Umm, Kurt, you're the one who granted Kalisto's request in the first place! Don't second-guess yourself; it doesn't show good leadership.

Man. I wish we could get Angle vs. Miz in their primes.

- Neville/TJP vs. Gallagher/Aries:
Talk about an interesting combination on the face side.

Nice start. It stood out from the normal feeling out.

Good action here.

Aries makes it look easy.

Pretty fun work going on here.

Not bad at all!

- Braun/Angle/Kalisto:
Wait, a dumpster match doesn't feature Duke Droese?

Kalisto's got guts!!

- Braun vs. Kalisto:
Kalisto has the right idea, trying to chop the tree down one strike at a time.

Kalisto's really got his work cut out for him here.

Strowman is just manhandling this dude.

Kalisto's got to hope for a miracle win here. I guess if Jinder can become No. 1 contender, maybe Kalisto has some friends in NXT to save him, too.

Nice athleticism after that hip toss.

WHOA. I did not see Braun losing there. They protected him with it being such a fluke, though.

- Post-match:
Well... Kalisto won the match, but I think he's going to regret it.


Thank goodness someone's going to stop Braun from destroying Kalisto. Roman is understandably out grieving.

OH NO...


- Kalisto leaves Raw:
Kalisto was brave, but sometimes that's not enough.

- Bray promo:
I really hope they have something good planned for House of Horrors. I want some more crazy in my wrestling. Maybe ask the Hardys for ideas?

- Alicia vs. Dana:
Whoa. Was this supposed to be on Main Event?

I'm glad this version of Emma is back.

Not bad for such a brief match.

- Post-match:
Interesting... maybe Emma isn't so evil after all!

- Joe/Club interview:
This team could really be a force to be reckoned with.

Joe's a convincing badass, even without that crazy knife.

- Club/Joe attack:
We've got a big fight going on!

That was pretty fun.

- Angle/Finn:
I like that Finn didn't come save the guy who injured him, but rather it was Angle who made the substitution.

- Balor/Cass/Rollins vs. Joe/Club:
Hahaha I like the heels taking advantage of the long entrance.

Cass always delivers.

Looks like Balor's back to form.

Joe and Balor have quite the rivalry.

No love for the former Bullet Club leader.

This is a war.

Not bad at all! I guess they're separating Seth from HHH now that he's beaten his former mentor.

- Miz/Sheamus/Cesaro:
Not going to lie; I'd pop for a Damien Mizdow return.

- Alexa/Bayley/Sasha:
I like Alexa's mean side.

I really hope Alexa can excel on Raw. I don't think she had this level of competition on Smackdown.

Bliss going all high school here.

Hahahah Alexa's shots at the Bayley/Sasha friendship.

Sasha could be setting up for a turn on Bayley. I'd be fine with that.

Fine segment overall.

- Alexa vs. Sasha:
Bliss is only five feet tall, but she punches above her weight.

Nice work so far.

Sasha's quite good.

Hahahaha Alexa has no time for this.

- Post-match:
Fine enough.

- Ambrose/Y2J:
I'm glad they're acknowledging their history instead of them suddenly being friends.

Hahaha these two actually make a pretty fun duo.

Haha nice ending.

- Slater/Axel/Miz/Rhyno:
Why would they need to interview either of those guys? Also, where is Heath's partner Rhyno?

OK, that was pretty funny.

WHOOOOAAAAA. You don't just do that to the Man-Beast.

Hmmmm. I'm curious what Miz has up his sleeve. I'd pop huge for an Awesome Truth reunion.

- Hawkins promo:
This is definitely better than what we saw from Curt on Smackdown.

- Hawkins/Apollo:
Wow talk about being in the exact same place.

Crews is really good.

So glad to see Apollo go on a tear.

Fine to put Crews over.

- Post-match:
Titus vs. Apollo would be OK. I hope Crews can break out into title contention.

- Angle/Aries/Miz/Elias:
Interesting. I wonder what Austin pitched his fellow former TNA Champion.

Hmmmmm.... I'm intrigued about his partner.

Elias is definitely a drifter.

- Miz/Angle:
I really hope they have something worthwhile planned.

- Ambrose/Y2J vs. Miz:
I mean, no partner could be as awesome as Miz, right?

Classic Jericho here.

Nice spots between Miz and Ambrose.

Miz actually comes across as the babyface to some degree. He's facing two former WWE Champions and is being forced to compete without a partner.

Fine work so far.

This is fun enough.

OH SHIT Miz did have a backup plan! He sure took his time, though.

I hope Bray is actually a big player now.

Fun enough.

Nice ending. Hard to sell a title match when one guy's on the other show, though.

More wrestling coming up.

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