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Friday, August 24, 2018

Impact Wrestling Reax - 8/23/18

Read on for my thoughts on last night's Impact Wrestling.
- Edwards/Aries/Kross:
This is a very refreshing turn from babyface Edwards.

They've done a good job with his character.

I've really enjoyed this feud so far. Edwards taking the title at BFG would be solid.

Hahahaha I like Aries adding injury to injury.

Oooooh. Fun stuff.

- Callihan promo:
Sami being more dangerous after a loss is a good move.

- Alisha interview:
I love how this is going. Will she leave Eddie if he keeps changing?

- Sydal vs. Wentz:
Solid so far.

I much prefer Sydal in this form to being a high-flying face.

I'm really liking this!

Good work.

- Drake/Cult:
I'm curious where things go with these guys.

- Cage promo:
This guy is absolutely putting himself on the map.

I'm really excited for Cage vs. Fenix.

- Bahh/KM:
Ahhh good times.

- Hit Squad vs. KM/Bahh:

I'm impressed with the odd couple team.

Fun work from KM and Bahh. They're starting to get things together as a duo.

- Hendry/Grado/Katarina/Scarlett:
This show is really wacky sometimes.

I'm curious what the end game with Scarlett is.

- Kiera vs. Alisha:
Good start.

This is a little sloppy.

Not bad overall.

- Allie promo:
There's some intrigue here, too.

They're doing a good job building next week.

- Post-match:
Ahhhhhh I love goofy Impact.

Fun stuff.

- Tessa promo:
It's good to see Tessa getting a chance to develop her character.

- Swann interview:
Swann can definitely be someone of note.

Taping so many episodes at once lets them set up future episodes well.

- Penta promo:
I'm curious if we'll see Penta do promos in WWE sometime in 2019...

- Cult in action:This is silly, but not necessarily in a bad way.

Haha so much for the Drake fan club prevailing.

- LAX/OGz:
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Man. This is getting intense.

- Sami vs. Penta:
Ohhhhh boy. This will be a battle.

Penta's going to tear his chest right off with those chops!

I like all the carnage here.

I'm dying at the piñata use.

OUUUUCCCCHHHHHHHHHH that staple gun to the crotch.

Jesus this is intense.

These two are killing each other.

I never thought I'd see a piñata full of Legos in a wrestling match, but here we are!

This is awesome.

Pretty badass!

More wrestling coming up.

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