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Thursday, August 9, 2018

NXT and ROH Reax - 8/8/18

Read on for my thoughts on last night's NXT and ROH.
-- NXT:
- Cross vs. Nova:
I wonder what's next for Nikki.

Amber's not bad.

Fine work. I wouldn't mind a longer rematch.

- Lee video:
I'm hyped for this.

- Ricochet/UE:
There's strength in numbers!

I assume Ricochet's going to get some friends (War Raiders) to meet UE inside WarGames.

- Vanessa promo:Gee, they're a little close to the actual event to be having a qualifying match!

- Ohno vs. Jaoude:
I liked Jaoude surprising him.

Fun for the time it had. Ohno's another guy just kind of idling right now.

- Dream/EC3:
I like how these two work, separately and together.


- Lee vs. Barthel:
Ha. Maybe it's not wise to try Keith Lee.

Damn. Barthel's not bad.


- Profits promo:
The one downside of UE dominating the title scene is everyone else just kind of going in circles.

- Conti vs. Borne:
Interesting start.

Both ladies have potential. It just probably wasn't a good idea to put two such inexperienced wrestlers on TV against each other.

- Black vs. Gargano:
Oh I'm enjoying this.

Ahhhh. That was fun for a start.

- Post-match:
This has really been built well. Everyone looks like a credible worker in this one.

I don't know if Brooklyn can contain these three.

That sounds amazing.

Ahhhhhh it's a shame Black can't make it. I'm curious where they go with him out of the picture.

-- ROH:
- Shelley on commentary:
If he is done as a wrestler but wants to stay in the business, this is an opportunity.

- Sabin vs. Silas:
This is good in the early going.

Both men look solid here.

Good back-and-forth.

It's good to have someone fresh as a singles worker.

I'm liking this.

Good work from both men.

- Post-match:
Wow they're jumping right into a new title feud!

- Scurll vs. Helms:
Marty should be able to dispose of someone nearly 15 years older than he is.

I like Marty going on a run as a heel.

Yeah, Scurll's definitely the guy to focus on of these two.

Helms isn't bad at all.

Not bad at all, but I kind of wish Scurll could win clean over the legacy guy.

- EVIL/BUSHI/SANADA VS. SCU VS. Hung Bucks:Haha Page and Kazarian are always going to be rivals, eh?

Good start.

I like what everyone brings to the table here.

The dropkick spot was silly after such a hot start.

This is a pretty interesting combination, but a fun one.

Haha maybe save the celebrating for after the win?

Definitely good work in this one.

Everyone's working hard.

There's a lot going on in this one. I like it.

This is definitely delivering.

I almost don't want this one to end!!

HAHAHA good timing from the Briscoes.

More wrestling coming up.

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