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Monday, May 20, 2019

Money in the Bank Reax

Read on for my thoughts on last night's WWE Network special event.
-- Kickoff:
- Becky interview:
This is a pretty cool scenario.

- Lacey promo:
Honestly if the Charlotte match was first, I'd be fine with Lacey winning. But as long as Becky and Charlotte are on the same show, they're going to feud, so Charlotte needs to take the SDL title and leave Becky on Raw.

- KO interview:
Ugggghhhh he's so great as heel.

I wouldn't mind Owens winning other than Kofi having such a short reign.

- Nikki promo:
This is a pretty wild dynamic, but I'll take it for getting Cross screen time.

- Beth/Sonya/Vega:
I mean yeah Sonya voluntarily let Mandy take her place. How competitive is that?

I hate the "nobody cares about X" line. If they're in a major match, people should care, right?

- Usos promo:

- Bryan/Rowan vs. Usos:
Good so far.

Hahaha I liked the shirt spot.

This is nice.

I like Rowan's power combined with the others' speed.

Hahahahaa holy shit way to build the new tag champs. I can't help but think this is punishment for Bryan possibly not going to Saudi Arabia.

-- Money In The Bank:
- Women's MITB match:
Oh how I love Nikki Cross.

Fun sleeper spot.

Good split spot.

Uh-oh. Carmella might be out.

I mean hey Dana's earning her place here.

This is pretty fun.

I was going to bury Mandy and Dana being in the running for the briefcase, but maybe they could make it work out.


Ember's impressive here.

Great job Mandy you idiot.

Oh my God Carmella's going to overcome the odds.

Hahaha I was wondering if Sonya would appear.

Wowwwww Sonya is Mandy's sidekick. Impressive strength, though.

Oh. Well. Can't complain Bayley won.

- Post-match:
Looks like Bayley's moving past Sasha.

- HHH/Sami:
I like Zayn's scheming. He learned from Owens well!


- Joe vs. Rey:
Whoa. That was a quick ending. I guess something else needed more time? I expect a rematch is coming in Saudi Arabia, too.

- Post-match:
Yeah very 50/50.

- Braun backstage:
Doesn't look like Zayn's getting that protection, huh?

- Shane vs. Miz:
I mean I'm a little surprised Shane's trying to climb. He's the best pure striker in WWE!

I like this so far.

HOLY SHIT that Coast To Coast counter!!

I liked Shane trying to escape the cage while in the Figure Four.

There's a good story being told here.

Is this MITB or Extreme Rules?

This is pretty good.

That superplex would have been insane Jesus.


- Sami backstage:
Wow maybe Vince and Stephanie need to be at this show if this kind of thing is going to happen.

- Nese vs. Ariya:
Good so far.

I don't think I've ever seen a reverse Boston Crab. Maybe for good reason?

Nese is definitely a workhorse.

Glad Nese is getting this opportunity.

Good work!

- HHH/Braun:
I guess Braun needs to threaten Ric Flair or something to get what he wants.


- Becky vs. Lacey:
Oh God Becky's showing her up here.

This isn't bad.

Lacey's improving. Becky's awesome.

Pretty good work.

- Becky vs. Charlotte:
Ever the opportunist!

These two always work well together.

Haha Lacey's a little bitter, huh?

Ohhhhh Lacey's going to pay for that.

- Post-match:
I like this heel pairing.

Wow Bayley's not wasting any time.


- Charlotte vs. Bayley:
And there's your post-Becky title feud for SDL.

- Roman/Elias:
Triple H is really not holding the fort down well by himself.

Jesus the Whalers moved how many years ago???

Yeah it takes more than one guitar shot to take down THE BIG DAWG.

- Roman vs. Elias:
Yeah Kofi (or Owens?) better hold that title tight. Roman's coming.

- Seth vs. AJ:
Nice start.

These guys are rated so highly for a reason.

Pretty good work here.

Seth keeps hitting a new level as a worker.

This is REALLY good.

Wowwww. Great match.

- Post-match:
We'll see if there's a rematch after that clean win.

- Kofi/Xavier interview:
I liked that.

- LHP/Lars:
Yeah I was wondering why they randomly showed up.

Lars destroying people is a lot of fun.

LHP are probably DMing Cody and the Bucks after that.

- Kofi vs. Owens:
Wow neither world title match is headlining the show.

I'm glad this is a fight.

Solid so far.

Pretty nice work in this one.

Kofi's showing why he's WWE Champion here.

This is really good. They play off each other well.

Really good drama in this one.

More good work.

- Post-match:
The dream is still alive for now.

- Men's MITB:
Orton's having a blast here.

I'm liking the athleticism here.

Ali's suicide dive was unbelievable.

Ricochet taking that throw onto the ladder. Yikes.

Everyone's getting to shine here.

A number of names look like future champions here.

This is impressive.


Ali is having a big night.

WOW that Deep Six.

There are some pretty brutal spots here.

FUCK that would have been huge for Ali.

Insane booking. They blew a moment that could have really elevated a number of talents for yet another Brock main event. Complete waste of time, because I don't expect Ali (or anyone) to get their heat back from this. Also where was Braun??

More wrestling coming up.

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