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Friday, December 9, 2011

Smackdown thoughts- 12/9/11

Tonight on WWE Smackdown, Randy Orton and Wade Barrett have to Beat The Clock! Whichever man can win their match in the fastest time chooses the stipulation for their match at TLC next Sunday. Will the Barrett Barrage continue or will the Viper's venom take effect? Read on for my thoughts on the show as it happens.
Wow. THAT'S how you open a TV show.

I love Cody Rhodes. Glad he's getting a shot at moving up the WWE ladder.

Solid promo to set up tonight's show. Looking forward to this commentary experiment.

Wade Barrett vs. Ezekiel Jackson. I'm down.

I like the stipulation. Good set up for their future match.

What if both Barrett and Orton lose? I guess Theodore Long makes the decision then.

Rhodes is already better on commentary than Booker.

Damned fine match-up. The midcard/upper midcard continues to show a lot of potential.

Is there anyone in the WWE Universe who doesn't think Orton can go through Ziggler in that amount of time? Heck, that sounds like a cakewalk.

Hopefully Barrett and Ziggler conspire to run out the clock in classic heel fashion.

Ha, Otunga's coffee mug matches his attire. Goofy.

Why does Otunga show up on Smackdown if he doesn't want to be in matches?

Daniel Bryan's looking more credible after that cage match. Nice fire from him on the mic.

Bryan vs. Cody Rhodes would be great. Both men are impressive and I hope both go on to great things/

Zack Ryder vs. Heath Slater. Building new stars.

Fine match for what it was. This is why you shouldn't get suspended.

DiBiase's a bro. Push this man.

Jinder's got a good stage presence (character) about him. I hope these two get a nice feud out of this.

Whatever happened to Ranjin Singh?

Not really what I was hoping for. Maybe they get to go longer on a future PPV or something?

Whoever that woman was who introduced Big Show at the ACA, I hate her voice with a passion. They can't all be Maria Menounos I guess.

A Big Show segment. Sigh.

John Cena vs. Big Show should be a BIG f'n deal.

I like Mark's Hall of Pain shirt. Much better than Big Show's garb.

I enjoy Mark a lot more as a heel.

I really hope Henry does a number on Show next Sunday and retains the title. He's a lot more entertaining.

Good. I was expecting Show to... never mind. He did end up looking better than Henry by segment's end.

I am really, really tired of Big Show. I think I've seen everything he can do at this point.

Silliness time.

I guess that works. Didn't feel like it advanced stories much, but I guess it's better than Sheamus not doing anything.

Wow, they updated Rhodes' song and model pretty quickly.

Not really sure what those videos have to do with what's going down on 1/2/12, but whatever.

Another feud that should be on PPV. I guess I'm kind of ticked that they cut the Divas match this week (and they've already moved this feud along tonight). But I guess this continues to build things for these two, who the fans might not have gotten into enough as characters to pay to see them face off yet.

Oddly enough I think it might be better for Bryan to lose his MITB cash-in and use that as motivation to find an inner fire to work his way up to the title. Heartbreak, then triumph. I'm sure others would disagree. Some of my thinking is affected by how he's been booked as a less-than-credible future champion.

I'm not missing Booker on commentary; that's for sure.

Good story and good work by both guys.

Oh shi- didn't see that one coming.

I really hope Booker's going to be used in a way that benefits Rhodes and helps him grow to the next level. It's a nice feud so far.

The Darkest Hour looks interesting. How far can they take the premise?

I wish I could fast-forward all the recaps of videos they've already shown. I'd save so much time. That is a good hype package, though. Kind of odd choice of music. "Mean Gene" in the house will be interesting.

I wonder who Teddy Long's always talking to... is it the same person Laurinaitis texts?

Well, at least one Diva's on the show this week.

Yeah, I think it's about time to move the Aksana story somewhere. But that would mean giving more TV time to Divas' angles. I'm not entirely sure if she'd be face or heel. She's a weird character.

Rhodes vs. Booker at TLC. GOOD.

So much on TV becomes white noise these days...

This could be something pretty good.

Also, Dolph Ziggler is main eventing Smackdown. I think that should count for something in the "is WWE pushing new talent?" argument.

I think Randy's really coming into his own lately.

This is a good little story. It kind of makes me miss the days where all of TNA's matches were on time limits (back on Fox Sports Net).

Ziggler, you idiot, you knew that was going to happen.

Good match until the ending. Didn't look too good for Dolph to go out like that.

But, thankfully, at least Barrett gets to look good after the match to set things up for the PPV. He's got a good upside.

Orton's always got to look good... hopefully Ziggler isn't hurt too much since Orton is a pretty strong character.

And that's a wrap for Smackdown. I'll be back Sunday for TNA Final Resolution. A news post will be later. Thanks for reading!

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