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Tuesday, March 6, 2012

NFL player has harsh words for Punk, Questions on Rock vs. Cena, the Hall of Fame, and Kane, TNA star "stepping away from wrestling", more to follow?, Henry interview, McIntyre update, Smackdown rating, Slammiversary on the road?, Punk interview, Raw dark match, and what happened after Raw

In a semi-coherent rant possibly stemming from the Chris Brown issue, the NFL's Shawne Merriman went after C.M. Punk. Apparently Punk once took a shot at Merriman for failing to pick up some WWE Divas. I THINK that's what Merriman's comments are referring to (it was in Costa Rica). I might take this more seriously if the spelling and grammar were better. Is literacy really that difficult?

For my take on's Monday questions:
1 and 2 are related, so I'll address them jointly. Whoever came up with the "crib notes" part of the angle is genius. A LOT of people (myself included) were fooled. It is somewhat of a 4th-wall breaking feud involving The Rock and "Dwayne Johnson". I have to say it's pretty entertaining, even if I'm usually against the "worked-shoot" kind of thing.

3. What they said. They're not going to go on what a fan sends them, unless that fan's pretty well connected.

4. As they said, the talent has to be on good terms with WWE and agree to go in. Bob Backlund was offered a spot a few years back, but thought (thinks?) it's for retired people and didn't (doesn't?) feel that he's done as a wrestler yet.

After the break, I go into everything else from Monday, starting with why Kane didn't attack the guy who injured him.

5. They didn't beat us over the head with it after the fact, but before Mark Henry took him out, Kane complained about how he used to be a monster and wasn't anymore. So, maybe in his twisted logic, Henry helped him by awakening his inner monster. Apparently I'm the only one who remembers that happening months and months ago.

Shannon Moore has decided to step away from wrestling for a while in favor of outside ventures and his family. After doing some digging, it looks like that while he showed up in TNA on 1/4/10, he wasn't actually signed until sometime in February. So, if he signed a 2-year deal, he would have wrapped things up at the last Impact tapings. I can't 100% blame him for taking time off if he's got other things he'd rather do and doesn't need the money, though he had a chance to get new life as a singles star post-Ink Inc.. If there's any more on this matter in the days/weeks to come, I'll be sure to report it.

There could be some other TNA talent on their way out soon. No names confirmed yet. Some spring cleaning might be useful.

Impact Wrestling is now available through Amazon streaming. Cool!

Mark Henry was interviewed about going into the International Sports Hall of Fame for his weightlifting.

Drew McIntyre has continued to work live events post-firing storyline. They could very well have plans for him.

Smackdown did a 2.01 on Friday. Not bad. Looks like last week was just an outlier.

TNA Slammiversary will almost certainly be outside of Orlando this year. Good for them if it draws.

C.M. Punk was interviewed. Pipebomb-esque and fun as always.

The pre-Raw dark match saw The Great Khali defeat Curt Hawkins (with Tyler Reks). Yikes. Isn't a dark match supposed to warm the crowd up?

After Raw, John Cena cut a promo about his youngest brother's ongoing recovery from cancer. That's got to be tough.

That's all for Monday's news. More to come tomorrow. Thanks for reading!

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