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Friday, March 16, 2012

Questions on Kane ignoring Henry, Cena/Punk vs. Rock/Jericho, Kane/Taker, Shaq at Mania, and Laurinaitis, new WreslteMania match, Bourne update, Jacob Novak and Angle interviews, Sorensen update, Riggs interview, Yokozuna-HoF update, Trish talks females in wrestling/MMA, Raw promotion, Destination X set, ex-TNA name gets WWE tryout, new Victory Road match, Smackdown taping moved, FCW talent at TV tapings, Smackdown rating, ex-WWF referee passes, Storm has surgery, and what happened after Raw

The news for 3/12 began with's questions. Here's my take:
1. This has been covered here multiple times. Just because some people don't remember Kane talking to Teddy Long about not feeling like a monster anymore before he was taken out by Henry, that doesn't mean it didn't happen. Now he's back as a monster because Henry woke up the hate inside of him or whatever. He wanted to be a monster again. Henry made him a monster again. Why would Kane attack him for doing what he would consider a favor? If you're going to attack WWE for plot holes, make sure they are actually unaddressed plot holes.

2. That sounded great until their valid criticisms. I like the general idea, but unfortunately for the reasons they mentioned I don't think it would work out.

3. I saw it more as "people remember Kane as the monster when he had hair and the mask, so we're giving him hair and a mask" and them working around Taker's condition, but I guess that's possible as well. I just don't think WWE is THAT simple-minded in their decision-making process.

After the break, I go into everything else from Monday, starting with a question on Shaq.
4. That match sounds kind of scary. I do wonder what happened there. Shaq could have been counting his chickens before they hatched and a deal hadn't/hasn't (?) been reached yet. Maybe he'll appear and help Show defeat Cody? I'd hate that, but it would kind of wrap things up.

5. This was also explained. The Board decided to give him another chance after he brought Shawn Michaels back into things. They must have liked some of his other decisions, too. There will be a big multi-man tag match to settle the GM angle.

WWE has made something called a Fan Mosaic in regards to John Cena vs. The Rock at WrestleMania. That's cool I guess.

WWE has added a 12-man tag match to WrestleMania, with two teams of 6 seconded by John Laurinaitis and Teddy Long respectively. The winning team's manager will be the GM of both Raw and Smackdown going forward. The tentative plan is Otunga/Christian/Henry/Del Rio/Ziggler/Swagger vs. Santino/Kofi/R-Truth/Khali/Ezekiel/TBA (possibly Rey Mysterio or Evan Bourne). That works for me, though the lack of McIntyre or Jinder on the heel side's a bit surprising. They can only fit some many people on the card, though.

As of 3/12 at least, Evan Bourne isn't advertised for this weekend's live events despite his suspension ending 3/17. If they haven't cut him by now, I think he might be safe for a third chance.

Former FCW/NXT performer Jacob Novak was interviewed. He was never FCW Champion. Not sure where that came from. While it's very unfortunate that he was injured and battled depression, I never saw much that made me think that he'd be someone to watch out for in the company's future. Hopefully he changes my opinion of him if there's a "next time" we see him.

TNA launched a Twitter account for the "Joseph Park" character, searching for his brother Abyss. Clever and some of the kayfabe responses are hysterical.

Kurt Angle was also interviewed on the Olympics. I really wonder about some of his claims sometimes, given the reactions to them being less than "I completely believe him" to say the least.

Jesse Sorensen underwent X-Rays a month after his big injury. When more is known on this, I'll post about it.

Jeremiah Riggs of Tough Enough talked about his time on that show and in FCW.

There's talk of Bret Hart inducting Yokozuna into the Hall of Fame. That would make sense given their on-screen history, though Rock was also a good choice.

Trish Stratus talked about sex appeal in wrestling and MMA, something she knows a thing or two about. I'd hope that if Divas made such a big splash today, they'd be similarly rewarded with more TV time.

Dolph Ziggler and Vickie Guerrero had a local TV appearance to promote Raw in Cleveland.

Update: make that two appearances. They're good.

Ziggler also had an appearance with Alex Riley on some douchebag's radio show. An obituary joke? Terrible.

TNA Destination X is set for 7/8 in Orlando. No word if they'll recreate last year's theme.

Chase Stevens, formerly of TNA's Naturals was backstage at Raw for WWE to take a look at him. I honestly never really saw much in them.

Robbie E will defend his TV Title in an open challenge at Victory Road.

WWE has moved the 5/29 Smackdown taping from Lafayette, LA to Baton Rouge. The arena they're going to has smaller capacity. Take from that what you will.

Former ROH Champion/current FCW Champion Seth Rollins was scheduled for both TV tapings this week.

Smackdown brought in a 2.15 rating on 3/9. Good.

Dick Woehrle, formerly a referee in the WWWF and WWF passed away at 69. Sorry to hear that.

James Storm had some bone spurs removed from his ankle. He isn't expected to miss much time (i.e. still on for Lockdown).

After Raw, The Rock sang Happy Birthday to a girl in attendance. That's a once-in-a-lifetime thing. John Cena beat Kane, and announced that rapper Machine Gun Kelly will perform his entrance live at WrestleMania.

That's all for Monday's news. More to come soon, then NXT this evening as I continue to catch up. Thanks for reading and I apologize profusely for the lateness.

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