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Sunday, March 25, 2012

Superstars and Impact Wrestling thoughts - 3/22/12

Today on WWE Superstars, Eve Torres gets in the ring in a tag team match against Natalya and Tamina. Seriously, that's all WWE advertised. For Impact Wrestling, there's the follow-up to the big Bobby Roode vs. Sting match as well as three title matches. Who will be X-Division, Tag Team, and Knockout Tag Team Champions as we start the countdown to Lockdown? Read on for my thoughts on the shows as they happen.

Zeke vs. McIntyre works for me.

PrimEpico in a tag match could be good.

Alex Riley could be somebody. I don't know exactly what he's missing (other than a push), but if he finds it he's someone to watch out for.

Stanford's entertaining on commentary.

I think they've teamed up on house shows, but I don't guess those count to WWE. Maybe they should if they want us to see them.

I think Stanford just makes stuff up sometimes, but it's funny. Doesn't really help the match, though.

They say that like not having Ryan in the ring's a bad thing.

I do like the new look to Very slick.

It'll be very interesting to see if Mason can end up getting to that Batista level in his career. He certainly has quite the impressive physique and power.

I half expected Mason to kick out to show his power, but it looks more like they're pushing the tag champs than him.

I wouldn't really consider McIntyre powerful. Intense? Sure. But not powerful.

Eve's coming into her own as the conceited beauty.

If these two lose less than 2 weeks to WrestleMania, I'll be quite disappointed in WWE's story-building ability.

I guess Natalya's face now.

Oh, or maybe not. Good cover-up.

That's the biggest reaction I've heard for a Divas match in a good while.

Fine start to things.

I like the character motivation of Eve.

Maria certainly seems to be in shape, but I don't know what she does training-wise.

Eve should call her finisher Original Sin. Come on, that's pretty obvious.

Good acting by Eve at the end of the match.

Did I get NXT and Superstars videos mixed up? Striker's out of the box at least.

Titus and Tatsu wouldn't be my ideal picks to face off.

Titus does have some really impressive strength. He's using it well.

I wish he would have heeled the crowd for barking along.

Way to no-sell Striker's psychological insights.

I like the bearhug. The taunts, not so much.

If that was an intentional D'Lo reference by Mathews, hats off to him.

Not a bad match. Titus still has a ways to go but I think he showed that he's come a long way form Season 2.

I like hearing Metallica instead of the more upbeat stuff for selling big clashes. But I guess WWE sees their events as more in the way of something families watch for entertainment.

Good selling of this match and its competitors by the commentators. That's very refreshing.

Two former Intercontinental Champions clashing here, in case they don't mention that.

I'm very impressed with both of these guys here.

Do people still use lunch pails?

I was thinking of a Ron Simmons comparison, but I guess that works, too.

Good ending sequence. WWE's missing the boat on McIntyre.

Time for Impact Wrestling.

Kick-ass opening video. That was really something on Sunday.

Though, watching it back, why did no one come out to save two of the most important people in company (Dixie and Sting)?

GREAT heat for Bobby.

If someone else was booking this, there'd be a crazy out-of-nowhere swerve where Dixie supported Roode.

Sting makes good points.

I think this is going to be a story-heavy show.

Sting's taking time off? Very interesting.

Uh-oh. This could be bad.

Bad Impact fans. Bad. If you keep chanting for Hogan, he'll keep coming back.

I think one or more of those challengers could be out of the company soon.

Good Bully Ray promo as always.

Nese and Kash not getting entrances might be a sign that they're on the way out. Or it could be nothing. Kash just got a new T-shirt if I'm not mistaken.

X-Divisioners doing X-Division stuff. Nothing to say here.

Yeah, because that moonsault always turns out well.

How many "spotmonkeys" has TNA gone through over the years? Yet people still do this flippy stuff in the hopes that they'll stick around.

Ugh. Spotfests.

Bully Ray's pretty good right now. The bookers get credit here, too.

Hahahaha. This is how celebrity cameos should be done.

Pretty clever way to incorporate the cameo and promote the show.

I'm speechless here.

This has nothing on the love shenanigans on NXT.

Just like the commentary has nothing on the commentary on NXT.

Wow. Better promo and segment than I expected from Crimson.

They'd be crazy to do too much with Morgan vs. Crimson until Lockdown.

Wow. Way vintage Roode and Storm footage.

Very good video package. Kind of weird seeing some of those ex-TNA names, but Storm and Roode delivered with their motivations.

Storm's got a connection with the crowd that can't really be taught.

I was a bit surprised that Roode's music hit, but then this guy came out.

I get the feeling that this guy's going to end up a wrestler.

Good stuff from Storm. The lawyer was good, too.

I don't really care about another round of Angle/Hardy. They've both "still got it", but I've seen them both for 10+ years.

So-so match so far. Garett's not awful.

Hogan as GM likely means more Garett. Just throwing that out there.

Shouldn't Motor City be two words? Either way, I don't care all that much about them returning (outside of Sabin not being injured anymore).

Great double teams by the champs.

Mexican America's making the most of their first TV match in as long as I can remember.

Hernandez is pretty cut these days.

Solid match by all four guys. Very impressed by Joe and Magnus.

Hulk just shows up backstage...

Storm beating both Kazarian and Daniels would be fine with me.

Hahahahaha. I guess that's it for the Mexican America stable.

After the remarks about drinking beer, a C.M. Punk/James Storm feud just became a kickass concept to me.

Three TNA Originals here (ignoring Daniels' very brief stints in other companies pre-2002).

Of course, Hogan's the most important part of the show.

Good match for what it was worth. I still don't care much about Daniels vs. Kazarian, but they kept Storm's big momentum going on.

I forgot that Dixie Carter had entrance music.

Remember last time Dixie trusted Hulk in running the company? I hope we're not going back to that angle down the line.

Maybe we end up with Hogan vs. Roode? That could make up for the comments before BFG last year.

Well, that was an interesting ending.

That's it for Thursday's wrestling. Thursday's news and Friday's wrestling should be up tomorrow. Thanks for reading and I apologize for the lateness!

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