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Saturday, May 4, 2013

Superstars and Smackdown Reax - 5/3/13

Read on for my thoughts on yesterday's Superstars and Smackdown.

I am a full-on mark for Damien Sandow. This is truly one of my favorite wrestling characters in quite some time. He's great at getting people to hate him.

Kind of saddened to see R-Truth beat Sandow. He's a talented guy, so I'm not really complaining. I just wish Sandow was positioned better because he's doing pretty good stuff both inside and outside of the ring.

Nice little Divas' match. I'm very impressed by how far Kaitlyn's come since her days on Season 3 of NXT.

Ryback's promo was ok, I guess. I wanted something a little longer.

Ryback vs. Bryan was a thing of beauty. Technique and speed vs. pure, unadulterated power. That was impressive.

That was weird... Ricardo vs. Colter might not be my cup of tea, but we'll see what they do with it. Where the heck is El Local?

Fandango vs. Ryder was good to continue Fandango's momentum, though I don't know if I can buy Fandango as being able to be in Jericho's league if he's having trouble disposing of someone like Ryder.

If Kaitlyn's secret admirer's luck is anything like mine, Kaitlyn will never go out with him. And neither will anyone else. But, yeah, weird segment.

Colter is so believably evil. I know people like him, sadly.

I can't really complain about that match being kept short. I'm not really in the mood for that kind of comedy right now.

I wonder how many tag team matches Teddy Long has made in his career. It's his calling card.

That made sense to continue the story. Remember that the end goal is to sell us on Ziggler vs. Del Rio vs. Swagger.

That match was pretty chaotic, but everyone worked well. I get that they're trying to make Ziggler look vulnerable so it looks like Del Rio has a chance to win the title back, but he really looks like a fluke. I see him going right back to the midcard once he's no longer champion.

VERY good Shield segment. This is one thing WWE's really doing right.

Meh. I guess it could have been worse for Sandow. Still, he lost clean to a guy with two Wellness violations. If Orton fails another test tomorrow, WWE's in a bad place. Orton's talented enough to be in the mix of things, but he's really a liability at this point.

Fine post-match. Glad Sandow got some heat back. Orton vs. Show makes sense. I wonder what the stipulation will be.

Kane can be a really good promo at times and this was one of those times. Sure-fire Hall of Famer.

I feel like I've seen about 10,000 arm wrestling segments. Though I guess that's inevitable when you've seen as much wrestling as I have? Anyway, they just keep building to Shamus vs. Henry. Not much else to say. To me, it's all about what happens when they do that match. By the way, weren't there dirtsheet rumors (not reported here) that Henry was leaving after Mania? Don't believe everything you read.

They sure kept Kane strong in that one, didn't they? Ambrose got the win but Kane held his own against 3 men for a pretty good while.

The post-match made sense. They kept Kane a monster by having him fight for so long. The Shield almost couldn't handle him.  I'm very interested to see what they come up with from here.

More wrestling coming up.

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