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Friday, April 22, 2016

Chyna passes away and the industry responds

Read on for coverage of Chyna's passing and reactions to it.

It's very unfortunate that someone who was once a pioneer for women in a male-dominated industry fell into such depths once out of the spotlight. Joanie Laurer was a flawed human being put in a very public position. As such, I think she's entitled to some sympathy and understanding. While it's easy to judge her by her spiral into an early demise, I'm choosing to remember Chyna the DX member and former Intercontinental Champion.

PWInsider did their usual stellar work in recapping her career and life in and out of wrestling.

Stephanie McMahon tweeted about her passing. While I'm sure she and Chyna weren't BFFs, it's appropriate to acknowledge her impact on the business.

Chyna was discovered in her home by a neighbor who went to check on her after the neighbor's phone calls weren't returned for several days. Thankfully foul play isn't suspected.

WWE released a statement on her passing. They've since posted related content of her matches and the like.

I legitimately choked up a bit at what Nash wrote. I'm glad so many people have kind words to say about her.

Triple H put out a statement about the loss of his former DX stablemate and romantic partner.

More wrestling coming up.

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