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Friday, April 15, 2016

ROH and Smackdown Reax - 4/14/16

Read on for my take on yesterday's ROH and Smackdown.

- RPG Vice vs. War Machine:
 Jesus. We didn't even get to the bell ringing before getting a highspot.

I'd like to see War Machine ragdoll these two. Trent and Rocky are talented, but ROH needs a monster team BADLY.

War Machine are pretty vulnerable. They're not much of a threat to their smaller opponents.

Big guys doing cartwheels is garbage.

As bad as War Machine look here, I almost wish RPG Vice would beat them and get it over with.

Too much flying; too little selling.

Mercifully it's over.

Nana is such an outdated gimmick in 2016. Pretty corny, really.

I want to see Dijak smash Nana AND Jay. That was a fine segment overall.

Dalton is one of the few good promos in ROH. Nice work. I hope he's got a big future.

- Omega vs. ACH:
Yay, another flippy guy...

OK, the Austin homage was pretty cool.

The banana spot was kind of funny.

Omega's growing on me.

If Omega can't win with both Bucks helping him, he might as well retire.

ACH is pretty much your stereotypical flippy guy.

At least the Texas homages are fun.

Too much flippy. I'm liking Omega, though.

- Dalton vs. Silas:
This could be one of the best things on ROH TV in a long time.

I'm glad for once someone didn't just go for the dive. Castle adds personality to his matches that other guys here don't have.

I don't really like Silas doing flippy moves, but he keeps them rare.

Young focusing on the injured hand is smart. He "gets it."

I'm impressed by Dalton. He doesn't need the Boys to be good.

NICE powerbomb spot.

Both men giving it their all means a lot more when there's heat to their feud like there is here. I like it.

Getting flippy here, but I'm liking the Boys coming back to ringside.

This has some pretty good drama. Castle's a solid babyface.

That was pretty solid. Both men showed their value in this match.

I'm getting flashbacks to when Maryse was the host of Smackdown.

I love Miz and Maryse being so full of themselves that they're the subjects of MizTV.

Great heeling. I'm glad this duo is a thing on TV to give Miz something new to do.

I hope Ryder doesn't just disappear now. At some point I imagine he'll call on his NXT buddy Mojo Rawley. If for some reason they made Mizdow a thing again, that'd be a prefect feud. Maybe Miz/Mizdow/Maryse vs. Hype Bros/Emma?

Good setup for the Lone Wolf to show up to smash Ryder. Miz and Corbin would make an interesting team. Baron could be his bodyguard or something (you know, since he needs shielding from all the paparazzi).

- Ryder vs. Corbin:
I like how Corbin doesn't try to be flashy. He just goes for the beatdown.

Corbin's a convincing bad guy.

Ryder's now at a point where he can really bump and make people look good.

Solid match overall to continue the build of Corbin. He's worth keeping an eye on.

Ziggler/Ryder vs. Miz/Corbin works, too.

Ziggler and Corbin in a long match should be good given each man's strengths.

I love Owens heeling Renee.

Good promo from Emma. I've missed her on the main roster; she's been a real boon for NXT.

- Paige vs. Emma:
For someone who was so much fun as a babyface, Emma's a natural heel.

That was good for the time it had. I'm fine with Emma getting another push as a main roster talent. She's busted her ass in NXT.

Enzo and Cass are so fucking BASED on the mic.

Enzo burying Konnor and Viktor. Damn.

- Enzo/Cass vs. Ascension:
I like the Ascension using their size and power on Enzo.

I like Cass using Enzo as a weapon. These two have gelled really nicely.

Konnor and Viktor make an alright team.

Nice showing from the new team.

I kind of like the Georgia Bulldog moniker for Styles.

Del Rio makes a great antagonist for Styles.

- Del Rio vs. Styles:
This is going well so far.

Very smooth wrestling.

I don't think I've ever seen a dropkick through the ropes. That was really impressive.

I guess Del Rio moved in with Paige. One ring as both of their houses must get crowded, plus there's Hornswoggle under the ring...

Really impressive work from both men.

AJ's obviously game to be a WWE main event guy from an in-ring perspective. He's hanging with Del Rio here.

That was really good overall.

Hilarious Golden Truth segment. It's good to have some levity on the show.

- Goldango vs. Vaudevillains:
Gotch and English work together pretty well.

Good to see Fandango get a showcase on Smackdown.

That was fine for the time it had. The Vaudevillains are alright; it remains to be seen how they'll grow from here.

Chris Jericho makes a solid heel.

Damn. Y2J throwing Zayn under a bus.

WWE needs to do something with Epico and Primo interacting with Los Matadores. That's about the only interesting thing they can do.

- Y2J vs. Zayn:
I like Sami showing Jericho up early.

Y2J throws some of the best tantrums.

Tag match incoming.

Jericho's pretty fun here. Matches are about more than who can do the most flashy moves.

Zayn's amazingly athletic.

I missed heel Jericho. A lot of heels today just aren't this good at being villains because they're more about getting their stuff in.

This is a clinic.

And now things are just becoming crazy with everyone getting involved.

That was good ending.

Fun post-match to close out the show and set up a future tag match.

More wrestling coming up.

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