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Monday, September 11, 2017

Jinder unable to make UFC show, bonus MYC match tonight, GFW name at comic-con, GFW names working indie tournament, WWE name returns home, more Flair book signings, Interview with MYC name, African Summerslam coverage, Gulak gets a shout-out, Mouth of the South vs. Irma, and Questions on credits on WWE TV, GFW's Network, suspending Alberto, and the GFW/Impact name battle

Jinder Mahal was unable to accompany a UFC fighter this weekend due to being caught in the fallout of Hurricane Irma.

A MYC bonus match of Tessa Blanchard/Jazzy Gabert/Kay Lee Ray vs. Santana Garrett/Sarah Logan/Marti Belle will air on the recap special following Raw. This was taped the same day as rounds two, three, and four of the series.

Robbie E was part of Wizard World Nashville. He's getting more press than a lot of people actually on Impact!

DJ Z and Andrew Everett will work the AAW tournament on October 13 and 14. I assume GFW signed off on those appearances.

AJ Styles appeared at an NWA Wildside reunion show. That's really cool.

Charlotte Flair will have additional signings of Second Nature. Ric is still in the hospital, so he's not advertised for anything.

MYC competitor/NXT trainee Zeda talked in China. She had a nice showing.

An African media outlet looked at Summerslam, starting with a burial of Sasha Banks. As she alluded to in a recent interview, she considers it stalking that fans track down what hotels/airports WWE stars will be at in order to try to get pictures/autographs. She said she's more than willing to sign at the arena and other advertised appearances, drawing a comparison between when she's on the clock as a wrestler and when she's getting from town to town.

Microsoft Office shouted out Drew Gulak for using Powerpoint on 205 Live. That's great. I love it. Gulak's character is one of the best parts of that show.

Jimmy Hart battled Hurricane Irma in his Florida restaurant. It's a scary time down there.

For my take on yesterday's questions:
1 and 2. I can see why people want the backstage people honored, but I think it would disrupt the feel of the show to have credits, and it could definitely throw away whatever's left of kayfabe.

3. They've definitely got their work cut out for them getting fans to pay to see their content. I see the idea they're going for, but I think the company's got so much momentum against them at this point it's going to take a miracle to rebound. As best as I can tell, they're back to where they were in 2004 or so as far as relevance goes. The problem is in 2004 they were up-and-coming. Now they're struggling to hang on to what and who are left.

4. The airport incident was hardly an unusual occurrence for Alberto. He had been in the limelight for negative reasons multiple times before then, and the PR disaster just got worse with what happened there. I wouldn't blame Nordholm for not bringing him back after all the drama he's contributed to.

5. It's going to be pretty awkward if Jarrett leaves with the GFW name and they have to go right back to being Impact. There's always something crazy going on with that company.

More wrestling tomorrow.

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