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Monday, January 3, 2011

Why WWE signed Gail back, Teddy Hart, Umaga-TMZ, NXT returning, Kong update, Arquette in rehab

With yesterday's news, we start off with more PWInsider questions. Rephrased and answered by me. Here is the original article.

Why hasn't WWE pushed Gail Kim after all the fuss of getting her after her TNA contract expired?
Here's our first "conspiracy theory" answer of the new year.
PWInsider says it's "pretty obvious" that they hired her just to keep TNA from building the women's division around her. WWE doesn't hire people unless they think they can contribute to the product. She's obviously a good worker and WWE wants her around to "enhance" the Divas' division. They'd just rather push Natalya, Beth Phoenix, and Laycool. Maybe they feel that Gail doesn't have enough personality to get a big push? But I assure you, it's not just to one-up TNA.

Whatever happened to Teddy Hart?
They say he had a legal situation in Canada and had to cancel some bookings in New Jersey. He was suspended by AAA in Mexico earlier this year. For years, people have been expecting him to get past his problems and get another shot in WWE or TNA, but it doesn't look like it's going to happen at the current rate.

What's your take on photos from the gathering in Umaga's memory ending up on
I can definitely understand (and agree with) people being upset that someone sold photos from a private gathering to TMZ. I see big heat coming for whoever sold those photos if his (or her?) fellow attendees found out their identity. I think that's the main issue- did they feel that they needed the money that badly? Or did TMZ really feel this was that big of a story that they'd pay a lot for those pictures? I think we could hear more about this in the future.

Do you see a "History of the U.S. Championship" DVD coming?
According to them, it's in the works. I think it's a very good idea to show the prestige and history of their championships so they'll mean more to the audience. The announcers need to push that more on TV, too. Matt Striker always does a good job of it.

As Smackdown's ratings improve, do you see NXT returning to SyFy?
I guess it's possible, but SyFy would really have to be convinced that NXT would pull in better ratings. I'm not sure how well the show that's in it's old timeslot is doing. I have a feeling NXT will stay online and possibly be replaced when Tough Enough returns. We'll see though.

As for yesterday's news, Awesome Kong is still working indy shows until at least next weekend, so I'm not sure when she'll be available for WWE full-time. I wonder if she'll spend any time in FCW? I'm interested in what WWE will do with her. Part of me hopes that she eventually faces male mid-carders. It'd be more evenly matched!

Former WCW Champion David Arquette has checked into rehab for his alcohol problems. I hope that he gets over those issues and I'm glad that he's getting assistance in doing so. Regardless of how you feel about him being a former champion, or even him as an actor, it's never good to see someone having problems with that kind of thing.

That's it for yesterday's news. Next up, what's happened so far today!

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