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Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Assorted WrestleMania predictions

As per request, here's how I see Mania playing out and its aftermath. These are just educated guesses and nothing ever goes 100% like I expect it to, so don't take this as gospel. In fact, it's entirely possible that I feel completely differently about the card tomorrow!

I can see Miz becoming IC Champion to "warm the crowd up" with a babyface win and feuding with Barrett for a little while longer. Something tells me we'll eventually get Miz vs. Fandango.

The faces will almost certainly win the 8-person tag. I picture this match being used to give the crowd a breather between top matches. I can see Tons of Funk eventually going for the tag team titles.

I think we'll see Fandango get the win over Jericho and get a nice push following. Jericho doesn't look to be sticking around post-Mania.

I'm guessing we just might see new tag team champions, either at Mania or Extreme Rules before we finally get Kane vs. Bryan.

I think there's a good chance that The Shield's opponents implode. They might get the win first, but I have a feeling we're in for a feud between 2 of the former World Champions. I have no ides what they'll do with The Shield next.

I can see Ryback beating Mark Henry in a big Mania moment. Either way, they'd be crazy not to do a rematch at Extreme Rules with weapons.

Del Rio's probably beating Swagger. I think Swagger will have a good showing, though. Also probably a rematch at Extreme Rules (not that there's anything wrong with rematches!).

I see HHH beating Lesnar somehow involving HBK. Lesnar will move on to a new target (Del Rio? Cena?). HH will go back behind the curtain.

I think Taker will win, but the clock's really ticking on him. Him giving Punk a big rub and retiring isn't 100% out of the picture. Either way, he's gone shortly after Mania. Punk might tread water for a while since he's only scheduled for TVs in April.

Cena beats Rock, possibly with Rock trying to hit a signature Cena move and failing (to play off last year's finish). I personally think that would be really clever. A rematch at some point in the future to finally put this one to bed. It's just a matter of when.


  1. Thanks Cody, hehe understood but it's good to get out your thoughts.

    Yep, gives us an EXtreme Rules rematch (ERR). Mizdango? Yes, yes, the comedy element, the fact that Fahn-dang-go is unliked by many (me not being one of them)and Miz ripping into him, good chemistry.

    Absolutely, it'll be a comedy moment with Damien, Cody and the Bella's getting their comeuppance, you put it well with "breather". They are a teams why not?

    Couldn't agree more...Fahn - dang - go!

    The breakup of Team Hell No: they are funny, funny guys but individually, so much better...But the tag titles, depends if Dolph wants two matches at 'Mania if you catch my drift.

    Absolutely, I really didn't think of an ERR for some reason,

    Agreed, my funny brother (huge wrestling fan) pitched to me that RKO may make a heel turn, to give his career the fire it had before the second wellness violation.
    Good point, The Shield - injustice, they really could go after anyone but to have a sustainable feud...

    Depends how long Brock wants to hang around for and yes, Triple H lives on (this really is a massive WrestleMania with Mr. WrestleMania involved!)

    Think Edge vs. Alberto Del Rio 'Mania XXVII, both have managers, the face is the champion, for me it'll be the Silver medal match.

    Gold Medal Match - Couldn't agree more, The Undertaker must reclaim the urn, giving closure to both his and Paul Bearer's Legendary careers, is there a finer end?

    Ah so then it'd look like they both "slipped up" and the rematch (an ERR) would as you said, put this entire feud to bed at last. As with all Attitude Era stars, it depends on how long they wanna stock around for but yes, if neither Cena nor Punk beat Rock, who does? It's gotta be Cena.

    Thank you for that, I hope WWE throws us a barrage of curveballs in the weeks following WrestleMania, I want my CM Punk vs. Kofi Kingston!

  2. If I was booking Mania (you'll see a post on what I'd do this weekend), there'd be a number of rematches at Extreme Rules. I'm into long-ish, multi-match feuds.

    I criticize it a lot, but there's an argument to be made for some comedy in-between serious segments. Even Shakespeare did it.

    Fandango's one of those gimmicks that only certain people can pull off. I think it says a good deal that he's owning it.

    I don't know if Mania's the right time for Dolph to cash in, but WWE is fickle and could change plans at the last minute.

    Oh, I can definitely see Orton going heel soon (especially since people are expecting Big Show to be the one to cost his team the match).

    I honestly don't have much of an idea for The Shield after this feud other than being hired by someone again. I know there would be objections since they're such a good act on their own.

    Brock's signed through WM31, but will keep a limited schedule.

    I hope Del Rio/Swagger gets some good time and attention because if it wasn't for the part-timers, that would be a focal point of the show. The World Title should be important.

    There are definitely some who think Taker should have hung it up last year. I'm willing to give him the benefit of the doubt. I just want him to go out before he turns into a Flair, Hogan, Foley, etc.. All of those guys are legends, but there comes a time when they can't perform at a good enough level to justify their legendary status and they need to "leave the memories alone". It's like how they eventually ended the Friday the 13th films (before the reboot). There's only so much gas in the tank, etc..

    I'll be rather disappointed if Cena doesn't get his heat back on Rock and eventually stand tall. The only people I can see beating Rock if he beats Cena are fellow part-timers (Taker, Brock), and I don't think that's good for business.

    I'd like to see Punk vs. Kofi as well, due to their history on-screen and behind-the-scenes (I pitched it back when Cena got hurt leading into Hell in a Cell). They'd need to do some serious rebuilding of Kofi before that happens, though. Sometimes it feels like he's presented as the "just happy to be there" midcard face instead of someone looking to be a future WWE/World Champion. I'd like to see him have a transformation like Rock did. There's a big difference between Boots 2 Asses and... this.

  3. Groo-vay, yes, it gives the stars more experience.

    Heheh my mind goes straight to Ophelia. Each match is a seperate story, Brodus' jiving doesn't make Triple H vs. Brock Lesnar any less intense.

    Totally agreed.

    It's true, they could be changing plans as we speak! (Although they're probably sleeping right about now) I wouldn't say Doplh to cash in at WM either but MITB has to be a surprise.

    Yes, it's a twist befitting of WrestleMania.

    That's news to me! So they had him on a 3 year contract, blimey.

    Couldn't agree more, my funny brother said it last year of Bryan/Sheamus; these are the guys who need to prove they can steal the show at WrestleMania when Mr. WrestleMania and The Streak are not there.

    Sorry I'm not really familiar with Friday the 13th but I get your picture and I agree. However, this is *WrestleMania* Vince's #1 draw, his greatest creation, if he has the opportunity to make it as big as possible then why not make it as big as possible? Some people are mad at Cena/Rock II but who *isn't* excited for it?

    Couldn't agree more.

    Ex-actly! Oh yes as did I, I kept Kofi in my mind as CM Punk's next opponent from around SurViVor Series all the way 'till Elimination Chamber. You're absolutely right. Everyone's happy to be there but he should be hungry, go after the WWE Title and although it helps, he doesn't need to make a heel turn, I think it'd be hard for Kofi, someone so happy and genuine to play a heel anyway. Just the fire during his 2009 Orton feud.

    Ah funny you should show me that picture, I agree with it's connotation and it reminds me of another convo between my funny brother and I. Fandango is getting some bad press from fans "He looks stupid" "He can't go far" who else debuted lookin' a little silly, a bit out there especially with his...sparkly attire

  4. I was just listening to an interview talking about how back in the early '90s, two guys would have worked together a good number of times before they had a match on TV so things were crisper. Experience is definitely important.

    As for changing plans, there was an interview recently (I might have already told you this) with an ex-member of WWE Creative talking about this. They'll have something set up, then someone else gets in Vince's ear and he decides that he likes his or her idea better.

    He was initially on a 1-year contract, but just re-upped for 2 more.

    Of course, WWE's challenge is making the casual fans want to see guys they aren't as familiar with like Sheamus and Bryan. If they're not presented as important talent, some people will miss out. Like Barrett vs. Miz being put on the pre-show where fewer people will watch them. I wonder how things would go if they put the concert on the pre-show and saved the matches for the main card?

    "Friday the 13th" is a horror film series that a lot of people think went on too long, and they kind of ran out of ideas for it. I'm not super familiar with it beyond that, but it was kind of a case of milking the cash cow dry.

    I definitely think Mania should be huge. I definitely think there are people who aren't excited for Rock/Cena II (though there's a group of people who are seemingly unhappy with ANYTHING). I'm excited in some ways since they put together something good last time.

    I don't think Kofi needs to turn heel. Just channel the energy from that feud. People STILL look back at that as a missed opportunity.

    I don't think Fandango will go as far as Taker, but honestly Taker's gimmick could have been in the same boat, especially being aligned with Brother Love and the silly pallbearer pun. And of course, HHH's early stint: But yeah, Jericho's a pretty good example, too.

  5. Aha there you go, that's definitely the way to do it, take young guys who want to learn and they'll be wrestling with each other, travelling with each other, it's why I want to see Punk/Kingston so much.

    Nope, that's news to me, I see, the man's definitely changeable that's for sure.

    Oh, fair dues.

    You're right about that. No idea why that match was moved to the pre-show. It's difficult for certain young talent to thrive around WrestleMania time when all the Legends are out.
    That being said nothing's stopping the fans from watching and especially cheering for young stars they like, regardless of when they compete.

    I get ya.

    No doubt about it! You're right, I guess I should have said there isn't anybody who either doesn't want to see or doesn't have a strong opinion on it.
    Indeed they did.

    Absolutely, I think it was too but there's nothing to be done about it, he's still got the charisma all he needs is a rival.

    Geez, now that's a flashback...I wouldn't call it silly, he's an Undertaker he's the Pall-bearer bearing in mind this was '90's pro wrestling, more larger-than-life, less reality based than now.
    Oh yes Hunter Hearst Helmsley hehe, thank you.

  6. I like the idea of there being some veterans traveling with the relative newcomers to pass things on in those long car rides. I don't think it should be mandatory or anything, but I can only imagine what would be passed on to people.

    Of course nothing's stopping them, but I bet there are a lot of fans who aren't aware of NXT (the show) or Superstars because WWE never mentions them. That, to me, is crazy. Their end goal should be to get those shows back on TV in the States (even if it's on the WWE Network). Building an audience for them that demands for someone to pick them up would be great. I know ECW and TNA had that going for them in trying to get on TV. I think in some ways WWE has gotten complacent, though to their credit they now have Main Event, a 3rd hour of Raw, and SMS and that makes up for losing NXT and Superstars.

    Sometimes I have the feeling that WWE's waiting for Kofi to step up and take the bull by the horns like Punk and Ryder did. If you're not making noise, you can get lost in the shuffle. I've seen several veterans talk about people who are "just happy to be on TV" and won't rock the boat and that being why they're stuck where they are. Obviously it's a lot easier said than done, though.

    My point was that I think it says a lot about Taker's talent that he was able to make that character so successful, while hockey players and trash collectors and the like fell by the wayside. It's kind of funny to look back and see the over-the-top characters. Wrestling has changed a LOT from the pre-Monday Night Wars days.

  7. Sorry for the wait and thanks for understand and yes, you're right, that's education for ya!

    You're absolutely right, learning from those more experienced, formal or informal is *always* a good thing.

    I find it hard to imagine, many people are aware that Cena supposedly slept with Kendra Lust or that Swagger got busted for DUI but they can't find out how many shows WWE has? You're probably right but I still find it tough to believe.

    Right again Cody, you told me this before, I'm sure. The "happy to be [there]" vibe definitely fits Kofi. But what does he do then, *how* does he grab that metaphorical bull?

    Oh okay I understand. Hockey players and trash collectors? No doubt about that, an evolving industry for an evolving audience, that's pro wrestling.

  8. Education should take precedent over my blog for sure. And don't drive yourself crazy taking too many credit hours and just focusing on passing tests. College is just as much (if not more) about growing as a person and gaining valuable experience/connections. From my experience, some people are just like "get out in 4 years, just try to cram stuff in for the test", etc. and it doesn't really benefit them.

    Anyway, I might have said this (and apologies if I have), but I know William Regal has mentioned the importance of learning from veterans. Part of why Sheamus and Miz got where they got was proving their dedication to the craft to people above them.

    To be fair, the stories about Cena and Swagger got a lot of press. WWE's secondary shows generally don't. Scandals and bad behavior make headlines.

    I don't know what Kofi is or isn't doing, but here are things I've heard working in the past:
    1. Getting advice from veterans/producers instead of sitting around backstage playing video games, Tweeting, etc..
    2. Meeting with the higher-ups and showing that you want to get a chance to break out. I'm sure that's MUCH easier said than done, though. Vince seems like he'd be really intimidating. He's definitely hard to convince that he's wrong.

    Wrestling pretty much changes with every generation. On the first Raw in '93, they had Max Moon:, Koko B. Ware: and Damien Demento:

    And yes, there was a hockey player called The Goon and a trash collector named Duke "The Dumpster" Droese and an IRS man and a Repo Man and so on and so forth. As Paul Heyman famously said in 2001: "Because while Doink the Clown had green hair and a rubber nose, "Stone Cold" Steve Austin was drinking his first beer in ECW, damn you. While Bobby Heenan and Gene Okerlund were dancing around singing "Tutti Frutti", ECW was producing the edgy TV that you named "Attitude." 'Oh, we've got Attitude!' You've got nothing, man! What you've got is my ideas and you stole my life, my money, my legacy!"

    And the type and size of wrestler we see is notably different in 2013, too. Hulk Hogan said something recently about how a lot of guys wrestling today wouldn't have made it in his day. Wrestling's gotten more athletic in some ways and isn't just some big guys clubbing each other.

  9. Oh, I skipped some things about Kofi:
    3. Get to shows early if possible. Management respects this.
    4. Become one of "the boys". Don't be a loner. Be someone that people want to work with and put over.

    I'm sure there are more, but those are the main ones that come to mind. There are some obvious ones like "don't complain" and "work hard" as well.

  10. Hehe I'm no too sure about that...ah of course you're right! Couldn't agree more, it's the next step in your life, you only cheat yourself if you have that kind of attitude.

    I don't think you've mentioned that to me, there you go. I've heard Triple H himself say that Sheamus is a hard-worker, a model student if you will.

    Fair dues but argh, it irks me.

    I understand, just show enthusiasm for the job, if you don't reach out and grab it you probably won't get it, be punctual and respectful. Makes sense to me. Hmm no doubt about Vince.

    Wow...Max Moon, hahaha oh my, Max Moon. I see, hahaha "The Dumpster" what a nickname wrestling-related or not hehe, moving on -
    Dang, I'd never heard *that* before, even still, he worked in WWE with Brock the following year, and continues to...the guy's a professional there's no denying that.

    Heheh it's true actually, at least American wrestling. It's cool.

  11. I could go a lot further into topics about education, but you know... wrestling blog.

    I think Sheamus worked out with HHH for a while and that's what got him noticed. I don't remember much in the way of specifics, but HHH was one of the guys he really impressed. That can only help him. Some people see it as "playing politics", "kissing ass", etc. to do some of these things.

    I'm a mass communication major, so I'm seeing some of these things about what makes headlines and what doesn't first hand. Also a topic I could probably go a lot into if I had the time (maybe over summer?).

    And those things don't just hold true in wrestling! Also, if someone gives you a job that you're not crazy about, do it anyway and to the best of your ability because that might be your only shot. And sometimes WWE is looking to see if you'll crack under the pressure of a ridiculous character, etc..

    Wrestling before the Attitude Era was CRAZY. I can't believe I left out The Gobbledy Gooker! All this hype leading into Survivor Series and it led to a guy in a turkey suit dancing. I wonder if that's just Vince's humor or what.

    I should note that what Heyman said was part of a storyline, but I bet there's some truth to it. If he wasn't so high on Brock and Punk, I don't think he'd be in WWE right now. As far as I can tell, he was pretty content to be away from the business. In fact, he was even in talks to go to TNA at one point!

  12. Heheh fair duesage

    Yep, my funny brother told me about that. I don't see it like that, he worked close to the boss and he works hard all the time, if anything *more* wrestlers should do it, how is one supposed to be noticed if they hide from those in charge?

    I see, yeah you must receive stories from all over too. (okay then, sure)

    Ex-actly, any environment where you work! Hmm it's true, you gotta pay your dues. *Really* I never thought of it like that, crack under pressure...blimey.

    Oh yes hahah that name *does* ring a bell, Héctor Guerrero! *Shrugs* I just..I dunno - Vince McMahon's brain..definitely trumps any rubix cube I've ever tried.

    Oh okay then, yes, I'm sure many do that actually, incorporate some truth/personal experience into their promos: R Truth's (hence his name) heel turn promo, every time Dolph says "It's about damn time!" or "Every night I steal the show" and of course Punk is very close to his actual self.
    Indeed, that's not hard to believe, neither is the TNA move actually, he's a guy who loves wrestling. Then again I've heard that he doesn't like TNA's focus on older talent.

  13. It's not in some people's natures to be assertive. Some would prefer to be passive-aggressive. Yay, terms I learned in school!

    We as a society seem to gravitate towards negative stories and "dirt". I'm not really sure why, but that's kind of the mentality. I was reading about how some town hall meetings (where ordinary citizens ask questions of politicians) don't get covered on the news unless there's some kind of "drama".

    Oh yeah, the story is that they were testing Natalya with the passing gas gimmick to see how dedicated she is to the business. It's really weird. Like hazing at a frat or something.

    I'd love for there to be a definitive biography on him when he passes. I don't think he'd write one himself (he wants to do what he does now for the foreseeable future).

    I've heard that the best characters are close to someone's real personality, though I think there've been some pretty good characters that are a little more "over the top" (Sandow, Fandango, Kane).

    Oh yeah, he said something to the effect of (if he came in) "If you're over 40, I'm gonna cut your f**king head off!" His take on TNA was interesting. One idea he had was bringing in Daniel Bryan (who at that point was fired after the initial Nexus attack) and building up to a big match between him and Kurt Angle. Bryan would have been made to look like a lethal submission specialist. That's the only specific idea I heard, storyline-wise. I do think having guys like Sting, Hogan, Angle, and Team 3D raises the company's profile. They just have to be used well.

  14. Heheh well done dude, assertiveness all the way though, the point has to be made clearly and respectfully.

    You're right, y'know, it's...just so weird. There *has* to be conflict, more people want to play Call of Duty than Cooking Mama, strange example but yes...perhaps that's why there are awards for "Worst Actor" the Raspberry's - absolutely ridiculous.

    Oh yea, good analogy indeed. I'm glad that's over, I can only hope she'll be in Diva's Title contention as soon as possible.

    Hmmm tell me about it, imagine all the sources; Linda, Shane, Steph, Triple H, Steve Austin, Bret Hart, I need to find a documentary on him for the time being.

    Well it really depends on how good they are - maybe I worded that wrong. If adding some of your own personalty to the character makes you more interesting then by all means but I think I'm more for the OTT's, those three you just mentioned are among my favourites!

    Yep, that was the same one I heard. Wow, that sounds like it would have been a good idea, submission specialist vs. submission specialist, definitely, Kurt could play the over-arrogant, Olympian putting D Bryan down "You're just an internet darling, you can't play with the big boys".
    It does increase the prestige definitely, but even with popular younger stars such as Jeff Hardy, Mickie James and Gail Kim, credibility shoots up.

  15. I'm not sure why they don't do anything with Natalya, since she's clearly talented and loves the business.

    I don't know how many of those people would speak candidly about Vince. His family could very well give corporate, softball answers so as to not get into trouble.

    I'd love to see Angle vs. Bryan. And Joe vs. Bryan. And Aries vs. Bryan. And Roode vs. Bryan. And... you get the idea. He could work well with a number of people there. I think their idea was more like "you've made all these people tap out, but you can't make ME tap out."

    Hardy in particular is still really popular despite his outside of the ring issues. It's amazing.

  16. What more could they ask for?

    Geez but d'ya think Stone Cold or even Bret Hart would hold back? And what of Shane, he doesn't even work for WWE anymore.

    AA vs D Bryan *of course* a dream match! Aha fair dues, you're right about that.

    So my funny brother confirms, he says Jeff is like the John Cena of TNA, he's that big.

  17. They want someone they can market as something beyond a "wrestler". It's weird to me that they're so down on people with credible wrestling backgrounds. Look at what Punk said about Brodus Clay in comparison to Tyson Kidd. WWE wants to sell T-shirts, etc., not put on thrilling wrestling matches.

    Stone Cold would DEFINITELY speak his mind. Hart likely would, too. As far as I know, Shane is still really tight with his dad (which is good to hear). I don't know what kind of answers he'd give. It's weird; he's really out of the spotlight as far as wrestling goes.

    Aries vs. Bryan could be really amazing. Every once in a while, it is good to just see a straight-up "workrate" match that isn't about some greater story of face vs. heel. Instead, it's two top athletes showing what they've got. But generally the theory is that that doesn't sell as well as storylines.

    What's great about Hardy is that he has an audience that is really loyal to him: wearing the facepaint, buying the T-shirts, etc.. It's almost cult-like.

  18. That *is* strange but look at Punk, he's got an extensive wrestling background and he sells well, his "Best in the World" T-shirts, the Spinner belt replica's are extremely well-selling; he held that title longer than anyone. Or take Rey Mysterio; extensive wrestling background even if it is more "exotic" that Punk's, his mask sales must be through the roof with younger fans. D Bryan's "Yes" T-shirts, best of both worlds!

    There you go heheheh. Really? Hmmm, it's true, he did leave afterall.

    No doubt! Hmmm a reason why CM Punk's 2012 rivalry with D Bryan is perhaps my favourite ever is, yes, the story, abused girlfriend, digs crazy chicks but in January and again Over the Limit they had a premium, first-rate *wrestling* match. Of course Punk is the stand-out good guy but it's not like D Bryan was a hated heel, on the contrary, his popularity was crazy.

    There you go, must feel fabulous. Well there you go, WWE & TNa are riddled with self-righteous demigods after all heheheh...Sandow.

  19. Punk, Mysterio, and Bryan were all helped tremendously by having characters beyond "I'm a good wrestler". That's one reason people don't flock to modern ROH - it seems like a lot of it is built on the wrestling aspect.

    Shane was in town for Mania weekend, but other than that he's stayed under the radar.

    I thought they did pretty well with Punk vs. Bryan.

    I think there are some people who watch TNA just for Hardy. He's definitely a lightning rod.
