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Friday, April 11, 2014

Mania week attendance, TNA tapings official, Hogan goes after fan doc, Vince makes an about-face, potential future Mania location, another Hogan appearance and Questions on a post-WM30 show, WarGames returning, heels with merch, is Vince crazy and ending The Streak

WWE released official attendance figures for its WrestleMania week events. Impressive stuff. I hope things continue in a positive direction after the moves they've made.

TNA will be taping a number of episodes of Impact Wrestling and possibly a One Night Only PPV at the original home of WWE Raw. This is the same venue as the Hammerstein Ballroom, but TNA opted to tape at the smaller Grand Ballroom.

Hulk Hogan shot down affiliation with a recent fan documentary. I was never under the impression he was endorsing it. It was just about the fan.

Everything else from yesterday is after the break.
Vince McMahon gave props to Daniel Bryan. It truly is a new era.

There's talk of doing a future WrestleMania in Orlando. WM33 would be the earliest that could happen. Fine by me.

Hulk Hogan has been added to the May 20 Smackdown taping in London. It'll be interesting to see how they use him there.

For my take on yesterday's questions:
1. Yeah, wasn't all that content enough!?

2. I don't know if WWE will go way back and pull out an old WCW gimmick, but this is the perfect time to do it. The traditionalist in me would rather see a WWE Title match, but this could be the one time we ever get to see a WarGames match in WWE (though of course if it's successful there could eventually be a WarGames PPV to milk it).

3. Indirectly I do think the talent would get paid more from live event gates, PPV buys, etc. But I'd be really surprised to see a talent who doesn't sell merch even as a heel. I know Jericho didn't want merch during his heel run, but I imagine most performers want that revenue stream!

4. Just when you think you have Vince figured out, he throws another curve ball. He did all those things for different reasons, though. The Network was due to the amount of content WWE owns and not feeling like he'd be compensated enough by cable/satellite companies. Roberts, Hall and Warrior were  inductions facilitated by HHH. Ending the Streak was likely Taker's call. Vince is definitely a risk taker, though. No doubt.

5. Honestly, I'm OK with it if it's something of a swan song for Taker. He's earned the right to go out on his terms. I don't think this was a decision made lightly. Reasons 2 and 5 for their answer hit the nail on the head for me. It is time for a new era in WWE and WM30 was hopefully a big first step. It won't happen overnight, but things are moving in a promising direction.

More wrestling coming up.

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