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Friday, April 11, 2014

Superstars and NXT Reax - 4/10/14

Read on for my thoughts on yesterday's Superstars and NXT.
Ryback vs. Ziggler was a nice physical encounter. It's a shame someone who works as insanely hard as Ziggler continues to be really overlooked by WWE. He could have phoned this one in but he didn't.

Kofi worked really hard as always. Titus continues to get comfortable in the ring. I'm not so sure he still wouldn't work best in a tag team. I just don't think he's quite good enough to do much as a singles competitor right now. But maybe if he was in the right angle with the right opponent he'd be fine.

Adam Rose is definitely something unique. He's not even remotely going for a "five-star match". I'm not entirely sure I'm 100% into the character and I don't see it getting him into any kind of title feuds, but it's definitely something that can turn heads and almost certainly get over. He can always take a different route character-wise once he's established on the roster and this gimmick runs its course.

Cool followup to Graves vs. Zayn. I'm liking this feud.

Both Sasha and Bayley are coming along nicely as Divas. I have high hopes for both of them as they continue to get their footing and improve.

Ehhhh.... I think WWE should continue the Mojo Rawley experiment and all, but it's not clicking for me personally. More experience will be key.

Brodus Clay has really made his mark on NXT these past few weeks. I hope he's got good things in his future.

I can't say I'm really thrilled at the idea of Camacho vs. Grey, but I'm glad they set the match up instead of just having it happen.

Funny stuff from AXXESS. Tyler Breeze is another gimmick to look out for on the main roster someday. He's really growing in that department.

The only reason I liked that segment was the CJ Parker segment. I hate seeing Khali most of the time, but Parker cracks me up at times.

GOD#&$%IT BO. I can't help but be entertained by that goofy creep. If they can channel this personality on the main roster, I think he could be the next Miz as far as people wanting to punch him in the face.

Heels heeling heels always gets me. Bo's segment was hysterical and JBL kind of took away from it. That's been a theme for JBL lately.

Pretty good little match for keeping Bo strong after losing the NXT Title. Naturally Gabriel was the better wrestler from a technical standpoint. I hope Bo's serviceable enough to get by on the main roster. His gimmick is definitely worth finding a place for if it gets the same nurturing it's gotten in NXT.

More wrestling coming up.

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