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Saturday, April 26, 2014

WWE and TNA roster updates, Interviews with D-Von/Jimmy Hart, NXT talents get merch, Lawler appearance, GFW updates, Impact audience, new match set for Raw, WWE does Sting-Taker video and Questions on the new contract changing WWE's TV shows, thumbtacks, safety with blood, revamping the U.S. Title and Cesaro with Heyman

The New Age Outlaws have been removed from the roster section of This shouldn't be a surprise to anyone, as they were more or less written off with the loss to The Shield. Road Dogg is back to working as a producer. They should probably stay on the shelf at this point as both men left WM30 battered and bruised.

Daniels has been officially moved to the alumni section of TNA's website following the expiration of his contract. Kazarian and Chris Sabin are expected to be joining him soon, but are still at this juncture officially still under TNA contract. I hope all three men find great success outside of TNA and TNA can make up for their departures. interviewed D-Von Dudley about Extreme Rules and more. I haven't used that name for him in years. Wow, that feels weird. If you were expecting any nod to TNA, you must be new here. They didn't even name D-Von's school since it's a nod to his team's TNA name. I like his philosophy of his kids going through college. Good move. I think my nostalgia goggles are wearing off for some of the hardcore, extreme stuff. Just going around and beating each other bloody with weapons and going for "Holy #*$%" chants feels like kind of a cheap way out. You've got to count The Shield as extreme. Interesting tease there at the end about a potential return. I don't know how well he'd be received without that other guy, but him pairing with Big E could be a good move to elevate the latter.

Everything else from yesterday is after the break.

WWE has released T-shirts for NXT talents Sami Zayn, Adam Rose and Adrian Neville.That's pretty cool. I'm glad WWE's acknowledging them, though I'm sure it's more of a financial thing than anything. If the company thinks they'll make money on NXT merch, they'll do NXT merch.

Here's video of Triple H announcing NXT Takeover. He's obviously pretty high on the workers there.

Jerry Lawler was part of Thursday's Memphis Grizzlies NBA playoff game to excite the crowd. That was a great time to hit the concession stand.

Sam Roberts interviewed Jimmy Hart. Legends' House would be epic if everyone kept kayfabe the whole time with Hart saying everything through the megaphone.

Jeff Jarrett's GFW could be running events as soon as this October. The tentative timetable is the last quarter of 2014. That'll be cool. I suspect he still has some tricks up his sleeve as far as announcements for the promotion go.

Former TNA PR employee Chris Thomas will be joining GFW in a role to be announced. Double J continues to pull in notable names he's worked with in the past.

Impact's audience this week was 1.09 million going up against NBA playoffs. I don't know how they got the "averages 1.4 million viewers" line in the recent press release unless they were using data from years back in the comparison. They've only hit that mark six times in the past year (going back to the April 25, 2013 Impact through Thursday's show).

The Usos vs. RybAxel for the WWE Tag Team Championship is set for Raw. That should be good. I'm guessing we get a rematch at Extreme Rules.

WWE did a fantasy warfare video for a match between Sting and Undertaker. Naturally they used WCW Sting as they don't acknowledge TNA and would have to get rights to use their footage anyway. That match would have been so awesome when both men were in their prime and at their most relevant. Great video package.

For my take on yesterday's questions:
1. If WWE feels moving Smackdown to a different night and/or cutting back Raw would give them more revenue, they'll probably consider it. That third hour of Raw is definitely helping their bottom line, though.

2. Hulk Hogan didn't need to slam Andre on thumbtacks to get over, brother. Nah, I think there's a place for hardcore wrestling. That said, I'm personally not a fan of deathmatch-style wrestling and wouldn't want to see a whole promotion built around that kind of thing.

3. Oh yeah. That's a very real concern and shouldn't be overlooked. I don't see anything wrong with the old "condom full of fake blood" trick if it can be pulled off without the audience seeing it. I think blood can really add to a match's intensity and I'm sure there are professionals who can blade effectively and all that, but I don't know if that's really necessary if they can pull off a safer trick to get the same effect.

4. Yeah, they could easily just do that with the U.S. Title. I would like to see the title used better. The IC Title could be for those people getting closer to main event status while the U.S. Title could be used for solid undercard workers in something of a tier system.

5. I'd like to take this opportunity to remind everyone that Paul Heyman's client BROCK LESNAR conquered The Undertaker's undefeated streak at WrestleMania. No, I think there's definitely an argument to be made of Cesaro being lost in the shuffle of Heyman putting over Lesnar being the one in 21-1. There's certainly potential in the pairing, though, and I hope we move into a period where Cesaro gets more of a rub from the ordeal. That said, Brock ending the streak is a HUGE deal and they should keep playing it up while it's still in everyone's minds.

More wrestling tomorrow.

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