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Friday, January 22, 2016

ROH and Smackdown Reax - 1/21/16

Read on for my thoughts on yesterday's ROH and Smackdown.
- Addiction vs. ACH/Shelley:
Not a bad start to this one.

It is pretty cool to see Sabin work with Shelley again.

Things are heating up here. There's a lot of energy in that ring.

They could do more with less if they slowed things down.

Time to go to the finish. They've done enough big moves to convincingly end things.

Fine enough match. I do get tired of so many obviously choreographed, fancy/complex moves, though. It gets ridiculous and unbelievable.

Damn, Shelley. So much for that comeback.

Daniels being suspended is interesting. Did he need time off or something?

God I love The Decade.

- Page vs. M. Briscoe:
A standing shooting star press that early in the match is indie af.

This is OK. Mark's pretty moves-heavy as always.

Moves and moves and moves...

That was mostly good as far as the ROH style goes.

Based BJ Whitmer.

The Whitmer/Wrestling III angle is old school, in a good way. They're actually telling a story with them beyond "let's have a great match for a title!"

Dude. Silas is based af with his heeling, too.

I'm actually interested to see what happens next with Silas and Dalton. Both are talented as workers and as characters.

This is about to get REEEEEEEAL indie.

- Bennett/Cole vs. reDRagon vs. Bucks:
Oh God this is already terrible.

Fish and O'Reilly could probably be a good team if they were working with some solid opposition.

This is more about trying to do the next cool move than winning. That's a shame, because some people here are talented workers at times.

I'd like to see Cole in WWE. He's got that "it" factor as a heel.

I feel like I'm watching Jackass or Ridiculousness. This is primarily about stunts and cool moves.

Honestly, the shopping cart spot was funny. I kind of miss the crazy Hardcore Title stuff in WWE and Abyss' hardcore wars in the pre-Hogan TNA days.

OK, at least hardcore chaos is different from acrobatics. I wish there was more of this if they're going to just do spots and stuff.

Honestly, this is getting pretty fun and interesting.

The Bucks are tryhard af.

This is absolutely insane. I mean, damn.

Moves and moves and moves and moves...

The lack of selling here is absolutely crazy.

WHOA. AJ using a move Balor's known for. Interesting...

This is one of the craziest things I've ever seen. Some of these moves are ridiculous, in a good way and bad.

If the Bucks survived this much punishment going for the No. 1 Contendership, how on Earth will War Machine have a chance to beat them for the titles?

I REALLY hope Jericho is being intentionally lame as a face to set up a heel turn. He's really  putting himself over.

New Day is running all over Jericho here. Really funny stuff. They're more like the Y2J of 1999 than Jericho is.

Oh, man. That Confucius remark was awful.

Y2J's heel turn could be pretty glorious after stringing the crowd along with these silly insults.

- New Day vs. Usos/Ziggler:
Good stuff so far.

I miss when Big E, Ziggler, and AJ were a thing. They were a fun trio.

Fine action as always from these names.

New Day has been a really pleasant surprise. I wonder what other acts would do great things if rebooted like they were.

This is mostly pretty good.

I didn't like the triple super kick spot. It was too "ROH" for my liking.

Becky should make Alicia tap despite Charlotte trying to distract her. Make her look like a real threat.

- Becky vs. Alicia:
Alicia's a solid performer, but not really someone I'd advocate pushing.

Solid performance by Becky. I think she's coming into her own now. I was worried the Flairs would cost her the match.

Oh God it's The Miz. I want to see him eat a stunner at WM32 after calling Austin out (like his feud with Cena years back or Santino's feud with Austin over The Condemned). He's a heat magnet, and they should take advantage of that.

I like Ambrose not playing along with Miz's talk show.

I'm not really crazy about Dean saying the LMS match will be fun. It should be sold as really brutal, but something Ambrose is prepared for.

Ambrose is a very believable hardcore maniac.

Wow, no one likes Miz, eh?

I wouldn't mind Miz getting involved in LMS. Not the finish, mind you, but he could take a big bump in his quest for revenge for what he went through on his show.

- Ryback vs. Bray:
Ryback's not a bad performer at all. He's definitely improved from when he was pushed as a main eventer.

Good ending to things. I hope Bray's in for big things.

Brock vs. the Family could be a fun for WM32, but I think there are better uses for both of them.

I think Titus could be U.S. or IC Champion at some point in 2016 or 2017. He's really come into his own lately.

- Stardust vs. Titus:
Man, Stardust got trounced there. I like Titus, but I think at this point it does more to hurt Stardust than elevate him when Stardust loses clean.

Good of Kalisto to put over Del Rio's big accomplishments.

Man. Kalisto might as well be El Torito here.

I REALLY, REALLY hope Reigns doesn't beat 29 other people clean. I'm something of a fan of him, but that would just be beyond ridiculous.

- Reigns vs. LoN:
Rusev telling Reigns to tag in was HILARIOUS.

Glad Reigns didn't win clean. Those are four former champions.

I'm glad the Usos didn't make up for it being four on three.

The Wyatts just REKT Roman damn.

I hope we get the Wyatts vs. LoN at WM32.

More wrestling coming up.

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