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Saturday, January 23, 2016

Superstars - 1/22/15, Interviews with Del Rio/Manik/Godderz, HoH going back North, Angle offered new role in TNA, TNA changing contracts, Impact replay audience, winter weather wreaks havoc for GFW, Hart family member diagnosed with cancer, big match taped for NXT, Cena teasing big WWE signing, WWE looking at how to fix Raw ratings slide, TNA claims they had signed NJPW names, Smackdown audience, interesting guest at NXT taping, WWE Q4 2015 conference call set, and Questions on pushing Strowman and Sister Abigail

 - Swagger vs. Fandango:
I like these two as workers and how they work together.

Nice match overall. Fandango has a good sense of putting a match together (hint: it's not about how many cool moves you can do).

I didn't really expect to see Miz and Ziggler on Superstars. Were the Social Outcasts busy?

- Miz vs. Ziggler:
These two know each other pretty well.

Good counter-wrestling here. Two experienced performers who know how to tell a good story in the ring.

Good ending.

Everything else from yesterday is after the break.
Alberto Del Rio did a press tour in Mexico to promote a magazine he's on the cover of. While taking questions, he refuted the original Sin Cara's claim it was the fault of the other Mexicans in WWE that he didn't succeed. Del Rio basically buried his former co-worker, who now goes by "Caristico" in Mexico.

House of Hardcore will run another event in Niagara Falls on May 7. It looks like HoH is Dreamer's main priority now as he presumably finishes his WWE run.

The now-former Manik discussed leaving TNA and more:
- Funny knock on TNA always having negative publicity.

- People are really invested in the idea of "TNA's going out of business soon." Once someone has an opinion like that, it's hard to dissuade them.

- Interesting thoughts about people being able to find work if TNA does go under. I think that since a l of the "TNA originals" have left, there are less people there really tied up in the idea of TNA as a place to work compared to somewhere else.

- The end of the Revolution was a great time to make Manik TJP again. Whether that would have been the right move is up for debate. The X-Division is hardly brimming with believable heels right now.

TNA has offered Kurt Angle a contract to remain associated with the company as an ambassador, who wouldn't be required to wrestle, but would still work with the younger talents to get them to improve. Angle has not accepted the deal as of this writing. I think that would be a great use for him. He's been nothing short of an asset for TNA, and can continue to be one without actually wrestling. I do understand Kurt wanting time off after so long working for TNA, though. We'll see what things look like by mid-year or so, and if WWE is interested in him.

TNA is in the process of locking their talents back into exclusive deals. These would give talents more money. They would still be free to work elsewhere, but it would have to be set up through TNA. What that means for TNA talents working EVOLVE remains to be seen. TNA has been given a little more freedom with their spending due to their new TV deals and not having to pay as much for Angle as a wrestler after the end of the month.

Impact Wrestling got a replay audience of 122,000 this week, which brought their combined audience to the highest it's been since July. Impact also returned to the top 150 cable shows airing on their night, something they never did when on DA. So, TNA working with Pop is really paying dividends.

Jessie Godderz was on CBS' The Talk earlier this week. He could be someone to watch going forward.

Bobby Roode was unable to make this weekend's GFW events due to weather. He was set to main event one of the shows. That's unfortunate. He's a big deal there.

Update: The PWS vs. GFW event set for this weekend has been postponed until Jan. 30 due to the weather. New Jersey has announced a state of emergency, so the venue can't open.

Smith Hart has been diagnosed with bone and prostate cancer. That's really unfortunate news. I wish him well in recovering.

Triple H announced Finn Balor vs. Neville ahead of last night's NXT TV taping. The WWE roster is in town for the Rumble. I really look forward to that match, with the current NXT Champion facing the former champ.

HHH also announced a "huge surprise" for the NXT taping, that has since been publicly announced. More on all that tomorrow. It's definitely pretty big.

John Cena posted a photo of AJ Styles on Instagram. Welp, that will get the rumors swirling! It's funny; about 10 years ago people were comparing the two and wondering what a WWE vs. TNA war would look like. I REALLY hope we see those two face off at some point. It's not the level of Taker vs. Sting, but it's definitely been a dream match for some.

Update: Styles responded by posting a photo of Cena on his own Instagram. I'm excited for Styles' future. Styles vs. Kane? Styles vs. Roman? Styles vs. Big Show? OK, maybe I'm more excited by some potential matches than others.

WWE issued a survey asking fans for feedback regarding Raw, asking what kinds of segments would make them more likely to watch. I think they need to find a way to reach out to the fans who aren't on their mailing list, but used to watch the show. There's a large quantity of lapsed fans who might come back to the fold if they made some important changes (better long-term booking, better use of their characters, etc.). I wonder what changes, if any, we'll see in response to the survey.

TNA put out a statement saying they had deals with AJ Styles, Doc Gallows, and Karl Anderson:
- I'm interested in how they could have signed something while still under contract to NJPW (in Anderson's case).

- Whoa, they had really planned things out to a big level.

- Oooh. Interesting. By the sounds of things, this could end up playing out legally.

- I can't blame TNA in the least for trying to get AJ back, as well as the team of Gallows and Anderson. TNA wants 2016 to be a year of rebirth and renewal. Making big signings like that would put them in the right direction with Angle leaving and not being able to get Rey or Del Rio.

- Negotiations with AJ Styles began in November. TNA was really hoping he'd come back in time for the debut on Pop. He would have been able to finish up with ROH/NJPW in time to work there.

- TNA spoke with Styles regularly in November and December, and it was in this time period when there was talk of also bringing in Gallows and Anderson. Those two were (and are) looking to leave NJPW.

- TNA put together an angle that would see Styles return, then Gallows and Anderson would follow when Anderson's NJPW contract was up.

- In December, TNA executives met with the trio and locked in some creative storylines. A logo for the group was made, and start dates were set. Plans with the group were a big part of TNA's plans for the early part of 2016.

- TNA offered contracts to the three stars. After some negotiations, Styles was offered a deal that was at least three years long, with the option for a fourth year.

- TNA claims the three of them signed agreements to come to TNA. However, no lawyers were present at that meeting.

- Once Styles' agent/lawyer Bill Behrens learned of the agreements, he began communicating with TNA. TNA attorneys then drew up new agreements during Christmas season. Things slowed down as the year came to a close.

- TNA purchased plane tickets for AJ to head to the site of TNA's first tapings of 2016. One idea was for Styles to film promos at a hotel that would air during the show (but wouldn't be shown to the live crowd at the tapings). This would be a big surprise for the first shows on Pop.

- Styles was then set to return to the ring during TNA's UK tour. TNA says Styles even suggested some UK talents for the company to look at, including Will Ospreay (who will be working the tour).

- At some point in late 2015/early 2016, TNA says Styles, Anderson, and Gallows stopped communicating with the company. TNA next heard from Styles' agent, who informed the company the deals wouldn't be going forward.

- As 2016 began, rumors spread of those three names leaving NJPW. Those rumors held that the trio was headed to WWE (pending passing medical testing and the like).

- From the sounds of things, Styles, Anderson, and Gallows were planning on leaving NJPW regardless of the WWE offer. The plan in late 2015 was for them to come to TNA.

- TNA says Styles later told the company he was going to what was best for his family. They insist there has been no communication from Anderson or Gallows.

- Styles' agent says no contract was ever signed or finalized, as the agent would need to be involved in that process. He maintains TNA did not present a contract that accurately reflected discussions about those talents coming in. As such, the agent looked at other offers on the table (WWE).

- There are no plans at this point for TNA to pursue legal action, but it hasn't been ruled out as an option.

So, TNA says the three men signed deals to come into the company. Styles' lawyer disputes that. WWE has been in communication to bring the names in as well. At this point, Anderson is still under NJPW contract. He and Gallows are booked for dates with NJPW and ROH in February, so they won't be heading to WWE or TNA or anywhere else until they've finished working those shows.

Smackdown's audience Thursday night was 2.76 million, back in line with their USA debut. I hope the show does well going forward.

Bill DeMott was in the crowd at the most recent NXT taping. I can't imagine the Full Sail faithful were too happy about that. Hopefully DeMott wasn't harassed.

WWE will report its Q4 2015 earnings on February 11. So, we'll find out what WWE Network numbers look like and so on on that date.

For my take on yesterday's questions:
1. So, I like Strowman. But that's way too big for someone with his level of experience. Why they won't do the Wyatts vs. LoN at Mania is beyond me.

2. I worry there will be nowhere to go but down from there. We'll either hear "God they're shoving Stromwan down our throats. Vince loves the big guys." or "Man, they're burying Strowman. Remember when he was facing Brock at Mania? LOL Vince is an idiot." It's a can't-win situation for pushing him. Even ignoring the IWC, it'd be tough for him to convincingly stay at that level unless he works with some really talented people. I have a bad feeling about him becoming their next Khali and eventually becoming a directionless comedy guy.

3. Honestly, that's a good move. He stands out from the others on the roster. I like him being presented as Frankenstein's monster, where it's tough to take him out. The Wyatts need to be presented as threats.

4. I agree with what they said. Pushing Strowman isn't a knock on anyone else. I hate that mindset. Taker vs. Harper would be incredible, though.

5. Wow, I haven't seen Roxxi's name in quite some time. This would be something of an unconventional pick, but what about Asuka? Or Nia Jax? I think either of them could add something interesting to the dynamic. Asuka plays the creepy girl really well, and Nia is a force you don't want to mess with. If done well, either would be a good addition. It might take some work (why is Bray's sister Japanese?), but I think either could work there. As far as it actually happening, it doesn't look like anything they're thinking of right now.

More wrestling tomorrow.

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