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Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Stone Cold interviews Cena, Interviews with Pete Gas/Titus, shooting down Vince rumor, what happened after Raw, WWE TV updates, Cesaro praised, Henry goes back to where it all began, Smackdown audience, ROH head apologizes and Questions on Bryan winning at Mania, trolling Punk fans, buying TNA, Shane in WWE and pushing Bryan

John Cena sat down for more than an hour to talk to Stone Cold Steve Austin. Here are some highlights. Cena makes good points about his feuds with Rock and Bryan. I'd like to see WWE build up more stars for people to get behind. Very interesting to hear why WWE's moving away from promos. I definitely think character development is REALLY important for a product getting over. I don't see how having fewer personalities to latch onto works to get ANY kind of story over. As for fans taking over, there are certainly moments where their involvement is very important. I just don't see how "JBL" chants during unrelated matches helps WWE's bottom line.

Pete Gas of the Mean Street Posse was interviewed, with highlights here. He came across like he really knew what he was talking about. Can we get the Posse vs. 3MB at the next Old School Raw please?

Titus O'Neil was interviewed in Miami. That's one heck of a story. I think there's a chance WWE gets behind him, but he could just as easily be lost in the shuffle. Losing to Darren could really hurt his momentum. Not because Darren isn't talented, but because the focus has seemed to be more on Titus (with him getting more interviews).

Everything else from yesterday is after the break.
There's no truth to the rumor of Vince McMahon buying an English soccer club. Or starting his own soccer league. He's already got plenty on his plate with the WWE Network and WrestleMania season!

The big brawl started at the end of Raw continued after the show went off the air. Cesaro ended up putting the Giant Swing on Ambrose, leading to Cena, Bryan and Cesaro all hitting their finishers on him. I think Cesaro being on Cena and Bryan's side bodes well for his future as a potential top act.

Variety has the latest on the WWE-NBCU situation. The idea of not having all the shows in one network family didn't occur to me. I have to think WWE would like to keep things as simple as possible, but they also want to make as much money as possible!

Update: No comment from NBCU. I can just imagine Vince doing a skit about NBCU like he did when Linda ran for Senate. He's that kind of guy.

Cesaro was praised by his peers after the great showing he had with John Cena on Raw. It does take two to tango, but Cesaro still deserves a lot of credit for his efforts there.

Mark Henry trained at the center he trained at when he was an Olympic athlete. Darren Young trained with him as well. That's pretty cool for both of them. I trust Darren's picking up pointers from the veteran.

Smackdown's audience was 2.83 million on Friday, down from the previous month of shows.  NBCU is keeping an eye on this I'd wager.

ROH's president apologized for his perceived insensitive comments on a recent interview. I didn't infer he was supporting domestic violence or anything of the sort.

For my take on yesterday's questions:
Note before question 1: That's very interesting to know. I'm glad this reader sent that in.

1. I suppose the Authority could put Bryan in the MITB as another hoop to jump through. I know "smarks" hate the idea of HHH being in a big match at Mania, but the story of Bryan beating him on the big stage en route to being champion (possibly at a future PPV) makes the most sense I believe. I don't see why Bryan shouldn't be going over HHH then. I do think having MITB at Mania waters it down some for it having its own PPV, which is important to consider.

2. I could actually see them doing that with either HHH or Bad News Barrett. I'd find it hilarious, but there are a lot of people who wouldn't! Punk pulled the same stunt with Stone Cold's music, so it'd only be fitting.

3. There's a big difference between keeping Carter on in some kind of capacity and keeping her on as the president. I think that might say more about Bob than it does about Dixie since he allegedly made the stipulation. I'd certainly like to see what Jarrett and Keith would do with TNA if they got to do it their way and keep some of the talented people both behind-the-scenes and on camera. Starting from scratch will be much more difficult.

4. I'd go on the assumption of him staying away from wrestling for the foreseeable future. Even if he does come back, Vince, Stephanie and HHH hold enough power to continue to keep him in check. I'm under the impression he's more of a businessperson than a creative mind, so I don't know how he'd change things.

5. Even if he was, it wouldn't be enough to satisfy some people. Seriously, though, I suppose it's possible he becomes THE top guy as the company shifts under the HHH era. But I wouldn't hold my breath!

More wrestling tomorrow.

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