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Tuesday, June 7, 2016

Raw Reax - 6/6/16

Read on for my thoughts on last night's Raw.

Fun stuff from Owens as usual.

Was the Nation of Domination reference a nod at Owens' friend The Rock?

Ambrose is such a wacky guy~!

Six-man talking segments aren't really my thing, but I'm excited for MITB.

Good fight to continue the build to the ladder match.


Oh come on Teddy you know what this situation calls for.

Shane on vacation already? That's not going to help him get control of Raw after the brand split.

You can't just have Teddy Long on the show and NOT book a straight-up tag team match.

I look forward to those matches later.

- Cesaro vs. Y2J:
I'm liking the athleticism involved with both men.

Cesaro's getting too reliant on European uppercuts. He's becoming something of a one-note performer.

This is mostly good. Jericho adds some good technique to make this different from a showcase of uppercuts.

Good counter-wrestling here.

Surprised to see Cesaro get the win, but I don't expect him to walk out with the briefcase.

Good video to put Rollins over. He's one of the best developed characters in wrestling right now.

I love Rollins' arrogance and assurance of victory.

I have a feeling we're in for a good time with Titus on commentary.

- Rusev vs. Swagger:
These two generally match up well. I want to see Rusev face Apollo at some point.

I loved Rusev's endgame there. A true bully heel.

Titus' dog bark is one of my favorite taunts in wrestling.

I kind of like Cena as the guardian of WWE, as well as him being OK with being polarizing.

I'm really curious if Finn Balor fits into this angle in some way.

AJ appealing to the "smarks" with burying Cena's movie career and wrestling ability. I'm sure they're eating it up, too.

Oh man. Cena firing back with throwing AJ's career under the bus. So we've got a guy who "can't wrestle" against a guy who's lost his big opportunities. GREAT way to sell a dream match.

I like AJ as the cocky star who was "big in Japan."

Oh, man. The "smarks" are going to LOVE that burial line.

It's weird to think of the goofy New Day as threats to The Club.

Fun Enzo/Cass promo as always. I liked the Muhammad Ali nod.

- Enzo/Cass vs. Vaudevillains:
English trying to re-injure Enzo in the ropes was a genius heel move. That's downright evil.

Big Cass is a man possessed!!

Enzo and Cass are just steamrolling their opposition.

I liked Zayn's promo, although it was a little on the "gee willickers I'm such a babyface" side. Del Rio's dialogue was a little flat.

What was great about Playa Man as GM was he pretty much just made matches and went on his way. He definitely shouldn't be as exposed as the McMahons.

That should be a really solid tag team title match. Where the heck are the Dudleys in all of this?

- Zayn vs. Del Rio:
Sami's acrobatic ability is always impressive.

Both men going all out.

Wow. I expected Zayn to last longer. Fine match, though.

I wasn't crazy about the Owens/Ambrose segment. Owens treated Ambrose as a joke, and Dean treated Kevin as someone who can't get the job done.

Reigns' character progression has also been really good since his debut, especially with the history involving Rollins, Ambrose, and HHH.

Roman vs. Rollins should really be good given their styles and motivations.

- Ambrose vs. Owens:
I love a good brawl spilling out of the ring.

Good action so far.

I love how these two work together.

That was pretty good!

I'm siding with Owens on the ladder thing. Ambrose was foolish for bringing out the ladder to try to stick it to Owens.

Saw this Backlund/Darren thing Thursday night. Don't care to see it again.

Great promo from Charlotte. I'm glad she's stepping out of Ric's shadow.

"The old coots in my family aren't as crazy as the ones in your family!" I'm tired of them playing off Bret and Ric.

NICE suckering in by Dana and Charlotte. That was a pretty solid segment. I look forward to how this continues.

I'm excited for Takeover.

They couldn't have saved Primo and Epico until after the brand split? They're really in a holding pattern with only one match from all these vignettes.

Breezango are pretty entertaining. They fit together quite well.

- Breeze vs. Truth:
That was OK to continue the feud.

FINALLY!!!! Thank you based Playa Man.

Ohh man, I wanted to see a straight-up tag team match.

Stephanie was actually in charge of Smackdown before Long was, so wouldn't he be the fresher person to put in control?

Rollins and Reigns appearing together is about the only reason I want to see the Ambrose Asylum return.

As funny as New Day are, I wish the Club were sold as more of a threat.

- New Day vs. Club:
Well this is starting off pretty wild.

Crisp teamwork from our W. W. E. World. Tag. Team. Champions.

That was pretty good. New Day were exciting as always.

The Club really making a statement on the champs.

Well, at least Cena didn't run off three guys by himself.

More wrestling coming up.

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