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Friday, June 3, 2016

ROH and Smackdown Reax - 6/2/16

Read on for my thoughts on yesterday's ROH and Smackdown.
Oh I really like the idea of Silas feuding with these flippy guys.

- Rush vs. ACH:
Same story as always: this is more of an exhibition of moves than a wrestling match. At least they're doing some holds and strikes to try to make it look like more, though.

Mehhhh. OK in places, but after seeing so many guys do dives and flips, I'm not impressed anymore. If I wanted to watch that kind of stuff, I'd watch Cirque du Soleil or something.

Silas is one of the few things making ROH bearable. Nice to see him make a statement and rebound from the loss to Castle.

Addiction as champions again is boring. Seen it in TNA and seen it here. Time for something news.

The water tasting cleaner line was pretty brutal so close to Flint, MI.

"Your city sucks" is really lame heat in 2016.

Oh no. I've seen plenty of MCMG in TNA and ROH, too.

Oh hey ANOTHER flippy team is here.

At least making fun of Daniels' age and baldness was pretty funny.

- Addiction vs. MCMG vs. RPG Vice:
Funny for Addiction to bail. Why not just let the other teams outflip each other, then sneak in and get the win?

Rocky could have been interesting in NXT, but I'm under the impression he makes good money doing what he does now and wouldn't want to give that up.

I at least like the heel tactics in the ring by the Addiction. They're generally pretty talented.

The rollup reversal to a spear was pretty clever.

Everyone flipping and jumping everywhere...

That was OK as far as frantic circus matches go. No way could I survive a whole taping of this style, though.

Matt Taven treated as appropriately unimportant.

Hopefully Whitmer vs. Corino lives up to the massive amount of build it's had. It's been entertaining, but it's really drug on.

- Elite vs. Tanahashi/Elgin/Tatsu:
The final match of the show should be something different from another car crash match. We already got plenty of that.

Oh God this is embarrassing. Supposedly ROH used to have some really great wrestling. They still have flashes of that, but it's almost entirely the (Japanese) NJPW stars who deliver that good action.

I do love Michael Elgin, though. I'm glad we still see him on this show.

I'd much rather see Tanahashi and Elgin's skills on display.

This is bad. Very little psychology at play. I know that's their style, but it's really painful to watch on a "wrestling show."

Elgin's strength is a breath of fresh air when everyone else just flips and dives all the time.

HOLY SHIT WHAT A POWERBOMB. That was actually pretty kickass.

Yoshi might be good if he actually got to get some stuff in.

Bleeeeehhhhhhhhhhhh. I'm ready for something new/different from ROH.


New Day are pretty happy for guys who got attacked by The Club. They're definitely not being sold as a huge threat.

The Club should put over their accomplishments as a team elsewhere.

Funny banter from New Day, but I wish The Club were treated as worthy of fearing.

I liked AJ asserting The Club's dominance.

AJ won three different world titles pre-WWE, and has quite a few other titles to his name. I don't expect them to name-drop TNA, but AJ's got an impressive resume.

- Becky vs. Charlotte:
These two are always solid together.

Nice action so far.

I'm enjoying the back-and-forth here.

That was fun for the time it had.

I liked the post-match to continue the angle. I'm curious if we'll see two different women's champions next month.

Man, Wacky Dean is such a lame character. I don't expect him to go full-on CZW, or even Cactus Jack, but he's too silly to take seriously. A few weeks ago, he dropped Chris Jericho on thumbtacks in a steel cage. Now he's cracking jokes about Canada.

I did love Kevin turning the Canadians jab back on Ambrose.

I would have been more than OK with a backstage brawl breaking out. I miss those in WWE.

I'm glad Breezango are getting more character progression. They're a fun duo.

- Dudleys vs. Golden Truth:
Four TNA alumni in the ring right now.

Truth's still flipping and flopping at 44. Good for him.

Good tag team wrestling action here. These men know how to work.

Nice ending to continue the tag team feud. I assume WWE will make a rule where teams have to be drafted together in order to avoid so many "coincidences" of teammates ending up on the same show.

Ugggggghhhhh basketball references. At least Fandango can make pretty much anything entertaining.

I liked Corbin's promo. I would assume he (in kayfabe) doesn't get paid if he's refusing to come inside and work, though. I imagine we'll see him sneak in and attack Dolph later, showing the continued ineffectiveness of wrestling security teams.

- Ambrose/Zayn vs. Del Rio/Owens:
Oh God Zayn don't turn this into Ospreay vs. Ricochet.

I like Del Rio's vicious offense.

Good work from everyone so far. Sami's a little on the flippy side, but we'll see if that changes after the break.

Owens doing Zayn's dance fucking KILLED me. He's constantly entertaining.

I like Sami, but something he gets too far on the stuntman side.

Really nice ending sequence.

It's kind of a shame we'll never see Owens vs. Lawler or Owens vs. Taz as a result of him bullying announcers, but WWE has reasons for keeping both out of the ring.

I don't see Cesaro winning the briefcase, but I'd be all for it.

- Rusev vs. Swagger:
Poor Swagger might as well see if the Outcasts are casting a replacement for Rose.

We've seen this match 1,000 times, but both men are talented. I like the submission vs. submission story.

Pretty good story.


Titus needs to get some real heat on Rusev and Lana if he's going to look like a threat.

The Backlund/Darren pairing is one of the craziest things I've ever seen. It's entertaining in its own way, but I don't know how far it's going to get Mr. No Days Off.

- Kofi vs. AJ:
Nice back-and-forth early.

Fun work so far.

Why hasn't the ref thrown everyone out from ringside yet?

Good action between the two flyers.

I liked the chaos when everyone got involved.

More wrestling coming up.

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