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Saturday, March 3, 2018

WWE Network content previews, Knockout missing Impact events, Edwards/Callihan fallout continues, WWE charity work in WM34 home, NXT sells out, Raw live event notes, and Questions on Fox changing Raw and Smackdown, Impact's 2019 TV home, more vintage content on the Network, post-Vince WWE, and WWE not using Brock on the road to WM34

Monday's new WWE Ride Along will feature The Miz with The Miztourage as well as The Revival. I love the idea of Curtis and Bo driving Miz around in kayfabe. They should do that on Raw.

WWE Network's next Flashback Friday theme is "WWE's Women's Day."

The Bar have a WWE Network collection coming. It includes their best-of-seven series against each other as well as matches with them as a team.

- WWWF All-Star Wrestling episodes from 1975, 1978, 1979, and 1980 will have a Network collection, too, showcasing the larger number of episodes being added to the on-demand part of the website.

Sienna will not be on this weekend's Impact live events. She's presumably still recovering from the blood clots in her lungs, as she hasn't wrestled since the last TV tapings. Hopefully she'll be back for the next tapings.

Eddie Edwards and Sami Callihan spoke about the baseball bat spot from this week's Impact on TMZ Sports. They've definitely set Callihan up as someone dangerous.

- Kassius Ohno buried Callihan's nonchalant response to injuring another wrestler. Sami's in a pretty interesting situation, as this gets him over as a dangerous heel, but I wouldn't blame anyone for being seriously concerned for their safety working that kind of spot with him now.

WWE Network's April collections will showcase Andre the Giant, Finn Balor, and Wrestlemania.

Big Show, Kofi Kingston, Dana Warrior, and NXT's Jessica Elaban and Brennan Williams did a reading event as part of Wrestlemania outreach in New Orleans.

NXT's March 3 event in Michigan was a legitimate sellout.

Notes from Raw's March 2 event:
- Finn Balor and The Miz missed the show due to travel issues.
- Kane is back on the road, losing to Braun Strowman.

For my take on yesterday's questions:
1. I wouldn't expect that change to come about from FOX's end, but Triple H will continue to shape Raw and Smackdown in the years to come as Vince focuses on the XFL and continues to pass responsibilities to the next generation.

2. We're still months out from Pop making that decision. I wouldn't expect any announcements on that end until the second half of 2018.

3. WWE will continue to sort through their massive video library as time goes on. If other "vintage" content does well, they could move older projects up in the queue.

4. I'm curious what that will mean for his shares. Time will tell, but I'd definitely expect Stephanie and Triple H to get part part ownership.

5. I'd be surprised! WWE might only have Brock left for a few appearances. I expect them to make use of him to promote their biggest show of the year.

More wrestling tomorrow.

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