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Saturday, May 5, 2018

Backlash preview

Read on for my ideas on booking tonight's Raw and Smackdown branded WWE Network special event.

-- Kickoff:
- Bayley vs. Ruby:
I was all set to give this one to Bayley, but you know what? Let's have Sasha try to even the odds at ringside only for it to backfire. The Riott Squad then turns their attention to Nia while Bayley and Sasha finally feud.

-- Backlash:
- Nia vs. Alexa:
I love Alexa, but I think they need to keep building Nia's momentum. Let's take a break from Bliss dominating the title scene for a while. 

- Carmella vs. Charlotte:
This is all about building Carmella as a heel who doesn't deserve to be champion with people like Charlotte, Becky, Asuka, and Naomi gunning for her. Billie and Peyton help their girl get the win. I'm all for a big Carmella reign; those other names will be fine without the title. This is their opportunity to build a heel.

- Jeff vs. Orton:
Jeff wins clean. This is a designated "no BS" match as far as interference or crazy booking.

- Seth vs. Miz:
Seth wins, but don't worry. Miz will rebound. This starts the show hot with the obvious outcome.

- Lashley/Braun vs. Owens/Sami:
Basically, Bobby and Braun each want to destroy their opponents. It turns into something of a competition, and this lack of unity leads to a win from the former NXT Champions. Braun/Lashley feud incoming. 

- Cass vs. Bryan:
I was all set to give in to the notion that Bryan was booked so strongly at GRR that he's got to win here, but no way should they throw Cass under the bus like that. Miz costs Daniel the match so those two can feud and Cass can go wreck Jeff and take the U.S. Title. I'm fine with Bryan being in the WWE Title picture at Summerslam, but he should have to earn it first.

- Reigns vs. Joe:
Since Reigns apparently isn't Universal Title material, and now has to look like he's at Jinder Mahal's level, Joe wins. Braun's my pick to dethrone Brock.

- AJ vs. Shinsuke:
Shinsuke finally wins. Joe enters the WWE Title picture to continue to stick it to AJ. 

More wrestling coming up.

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