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Thursday, July 4, 2019

NXT and ROH Reax - 7/3/19

Read on for my thoughts on last night's NXT and ROH.
-- NXT:
- Mia vs. Aliyah:
Yeah Aliyah will need all the help she can get against Mia.

This is solid.

Good fire from Mia.


- Post-match:
Haha Yim taking them both out!

Sounds fun to me!

- Regal/Sons:
I like Regal not taking any shit from the Sons after they got DQ'd.

Sounds good for me.

- Cole tour:
This is pretty funny.

I love the local flavor here.

Hahahaha I love this heeling.

Really fun.

- Kushida vs. Parker:
Kushida's skills are ridiculous.

Pretty effective beating.

- Breeze interview:
Wow. I hope he knows who he's stepping to.

- Dain video:
You'd think he'd take his frustrations out on the writers instead of the other NXT stars!

- Scott promo:
Fine enough.

- Grimes promo:
Now that's confidence!

- Scott vs. Grimes:
Good start.

I'm impressed with Scott's agility.

Wowwww. I see why Swerve had so much hype.

That was pretty good. I hope it's not long before we see more of Isaiah.

- Belair squash:
I love Bianca's casual shows of strength.

Bianca's got a lot going for her.

- Riddle video:
Good to show us a serious side of The Bro.

- Strong vs. Breeze:
It's good to see Breeze show his skills.

Strong's got a lot of ability.

This is pretty good!

I like how these two work together.

Oh. So much for a clean win. Obviously they're setting something else up.

Nice work overall.

-- ROH:
- J. Briscoe vs. PCO:
This is fun already.

This is nice! Both men always bring it.

That was really solid. I hope a rematch is coming.

- Post-match:
That was pretty badass until PCO no-sold going through a table. I get what they were going for, but I think it took away from what he went through.

- Haskins promo:
I like that.

- Cobb promo:
That was good. He's going places.

- Johnson/Woods:
I mean at least they're promoting the tournament.

- Bully promo:
Eh. I feel like Bully just exists at this point. He's outlived his usefulness, even for the role they had him for.

- Bully/Taylor vs. C2C:
Bully trying SO hard to be relevant in 2019.

C2C working hard here.

That was there... ROH's attempted shift away from what got people behind it in the first place is concerning, since it's resulting in a worse product.

- Cobb vs. Haskins:
Good work here.

These two counter each other well.

Both men look credible here. I like it.

I'm quite impressed with Cobb.

I'm enjoying this. They both look like badasses.

This is really good. Wow.

Definitely a standout performance from both men.

More wrestling coming up.

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