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Monday, September 28, 2020

Clash of Champions Reax

Read on for my thoughts on last night's WWE Network special event.

-- Kickoff:

- Booker T. on the panel:

I love that RETRIBUTION giving no Fs on Twitter is being acknowledged.

- Card changes:

2020 continues to be surreal.

- Roman/Jey discussion:

I like the selling of this match. It's definitely a big opportunity for Jey.

- Champions' Lounge:

Please just unify the tag titles already. And split LHP.

Debbie Downer is kind of a dated reference...

- Apollo discussion:

Right? Why is this man getting another title match.

I love MVP. He hypes up people who need that hype.

Good stuff.

- Truth appearance:

Well you can't have an all-champions card without the 7-11 I-85 Hardcore Title!

- Andrade/Angel interview:

I'm ready for this to go one way or another.

- IC discussion:

Honestly this didn't need Zayn. He's done plenty.

I did like Sami here, especially going after Booker.

- Cesaro/Shinsuke vs. Kalisto/Lince:

Enjoyable work here.

I'm liking the teamwork.

This is heating up well!

Very solid match. I'm glad it's getting time.

I'm impressed with this. 

Very good ending! 

- Ambulance match discussion:

More good build.

-- Clash of Champions:

- Ladder match:

I like this start.

Very good seeing Zayn in action again.

Plenty of ladder carnage here.

Enjoyable so far.

They're definitely doing damage to each other.

Talk about a demolition derby.

Who would have thought 20 years ago Jeff would still be doing crazy ladder bumps in WWE at this point?

This is enjoyable all the way around.

Pretty wild.

YIKES that handcuff spot.

Hahahaha vintage heel move. 

This is certainly an interesting conclusion.

That was memorable!

- Post-match:

Too much of a good thing.

- Truth/Gulak:

You'd think we'd see more brand crossover with this title, but I guess with COVID being a thing they want to keep crews very separate.

- Asuka vs. Vega:

If they didn't have so much time to fill on the card, this could easily be a squash.

This isn't bad!

I liked that while it lasted.

- Post-match:

Guess a rematch is coming?

- Crews promo:


- Lashley vs. Crews:

I like this so far.

They generally work together pretty well.

I'm liking this!

That was good!

- Profits vs. Andrade/Angel:

I feel like I've seen this match 25 times.

Pretty good work so far.

They do work together pretty enjoyably.

Good work overall.

- Gulak/Truth:

More silliness, but fun.

- Bayley promo:

I love her.

WOW. Cool surprise.

- Bayley vs. Asuka:
This is nice.

Asuka's pretty great.

Hopefully more is coming between these two.

- Post-match:

I expect these two to have an absolute battle.

Good to setup another match.

- Drew vs. Orton:

Very surprised this isn't closing the show. They must have something here they don't want to end the show with.

WHOA. Didn't expect him to come back. But is he going to turn on Drew??

Good physicality here.

HOLY SHIT I loved the spot with the Claymore knocking the door off.

This is pretty cool.

Ha. The ghosts of Orton's past here. He kind of looks like the babyface going against this many obstacles.

HAHAHAHAHAHAH wow they're throwing everyone into this one. If Drew can't win with this much help, he's a midcarder.

What, no Ric Flair? Glad Drew won, though. That was pretty solid.

- Post-match:


- Roman vs. Jey:

Good storytelling here.

Well Jey had a good spurt before Roman started putting a hurting on him.

I love the trash talk. 

Good contrast between these two.

DAMN. Reigns after more than a win.

I LOVE THIS. Great heel moment.

Hahaha WOW. This man turned on his own family to be the top name in the company.

- Post-match:

Pure evil! Great stuff.

More wrestling coming up. 

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