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Saturday, January 17, 2015

Superstars and Impact Wrestling Reax - 1/16/15

Read on for my thoughts on last night's Superstars and Impact Wrestling.
I liked Cameron vs. Summer Rae pretty well. I think the latter is really underutilized. I wouldn't mind her shoving Rosa out of the way and getting back with Fandango. It's not like people never get back with their exes.

I liked the six-man tag, although Stardust is pretty blatantly stealing Cody Rhodes' moves. Hasn't that guy been through enough after mysteriously disappearing from the roster? Also, I want to see more of Fandango.

Impact Wrestling:
I'm apparently in the minority of liking last week's ending (no shock there). It sets up some dragons for Roode to slay on his way to a meaningful title win. If Lockdown was in March, that would have been the place to have him beat Lashley and/or MVP to get it back and have the happy ending at a big show. I don't know if they can stretch it to Slammiversary, but that's another opportunity. Maybe an April special?

"Former TNA Champion Eric Young" is a phrase I actually have to write. I wish I could forget that happened. Young's a great guy and can wrestle really well, but he's not World Champion material. I've seen Roode vs. Young enough to not care all that much this time around. I'm sure they'll have great matches, but that only means so much.

Good way to get right to some action between Angle and Joe. That used to be one hell of a feud. I hope TNA has some more memorable feuds in the future and doesn't just rely on what has been great in the past.

Nice match between the former TNA Champions. I like the new alliance for MVP, given the credibility of Joe and Low Ki. They're two guys TNA should really give the ball to.

Nice post-match. I like how this feels like one long show instead of a bunch of segments put next to each other.

I liked Roode's promo a good deal. They did kind of gloss over how Roode has feuded with Young before, though.

I'm curious to see who will eventually get revenge on EC3. They can do something big at Lockdown.

The Hardys vs. The Wolves was pretty good. It didn't take long for the Wolves to drop out of the title picture, did it?

Ahh, Feast or Fired. Good times. Who's leaving TNA (at least temporarily)? It'd be really obvious if they put someone like Rhino in the match after having not being in TNA in months.

It's kind of odd to not have EY in BDC, but I guess this is just a temporary alliance.

I wonder how much of doing EC3 vs. Borash next week is TNA's rather light roster. Who else is EC3 going to face?

Jesus Christ. That's one way to make a statement on Roode. It looks like we're in for kind of a change of the guard. Roode and the Wolves are out; the BDC is in.

BDC's making a statement already. If TNA's not going to bring in some new names (and they really can't with their budget), at least we're seeing them do new things with the acts they do have.

You'd think Roode vs. EY would headline the show, but Aries vs. Low Ki should be pretty good.

I get a weird feeling we're going to see Brooke beat Robbie E. I can live with that. It's not like Robbie's set for a big push.

Quick match! But it's whatevs. They're all going to get rekt by Awesome Kong soon enough.

Ha. Kong just went over like four wrestlers. Not that I care much. This show's pretty much just for hard-hitting wrestling now.

I say JB gets someone on his side next week to really be a challenge to EC3. Rhino's disappeared for quite a while, so they could bring him back.

James Storm should just brainwash all the international scrubs TNA picks up. They're desperate to fast-track them to success, and Storm's about the best name to work with them given his experience.

That was a pretty good match between Low Ki and Aries, even if it's reminiscent of the Russo days in booking. Three title changes in two weeks? Jesus.

That was a pretty good ending, I think. They obviously didn't waste any time getting to MVP vs. Lashley. BDC has some really good workers, and MVP going for the TNA Title's pretty intriguing given his backup.

More wrestling coming up.

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