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Tuesday, December 6, 2016

TLC battle scars, important Raw visitors, NXT press, Saturn on leaving WCW, preshow update, Chamber 2017 set, more NXT events, more collections, more Mickie?, new BizCliz member, and Questions on Becky's booking, WWE staying away from the election, the sound of superkicks, TNA's UK on-air future, and Charlotte and Sasha trading the title

AJ Styles and Dean Ambrose were both tended to by trainers after TLC. They definitely put each other through hell. I hope they're good to go for Smackdown.

- AJ was pulled from Monday's Smackdown live event as a precaution. I REALLY hope he doesn't have to miss the Rumble and Mania season, because he's potentially in for a really big run.

Tamina was backstage at Raw. I'm guessing they'll wait until after Roadblock for her to return rather than rush her into something. 

- The Undertaker was visiting backstage, too. I definitely expect him to compete at Royal Rumble.

NXT got press in Australia, including a quote from HHH. It's a big tour for the brand.

NXT's Babatunde Aiyegbusi was profiled. I'll be glad when they give him a ring name!

Perry Saturn discussed leaving ECW for WCW. I'm glad he's doing well.

WWE ran a 10-minute preshow for Raw on social media. Nothing on the Network. I wonder if it wasn't doing as well as they hoped.

Elimination Chamber 2017 is on February 12. That show should pretty much set at least one main event for WM33.

NXT has new shows booked on January 12 in Indiana, January 13 in Kentucky, and January 14 in Tennessee. They're getting around!

WWE Network has added collections for Trish and Lita (together) and for the best matches of 2016.

WWE has offered Mickie James a contract to return to the company. She's definitely still got it! Even if they just have her in the ring a year or two, she can then become a trainer or producer.

Cody (Rhodes) is expected to join the Bullet Club soon. That's kind of funny since Cody Hall is in it, too. It looks like Cody's going to have a pretty decent run in ROH/NJPW. He can pretty much keep going until he doesn't want to wrestle anymore, then bow out.

For my take on yesterday's questions:
1. A lot of the problem here is how small Smackdown's division is. They need to protect every talent, so booking is generally pretty even. One side wins but gets beaten down, etc. It's a mess.

2. Given the unpopularity of both major candidates and how upset people were at both, they could have wanted to be an escape from the endless media parade that was this election cycle.

3. They generally don't make contact, or at least we hope! It's usually a case of the kicker slapping their thigh.

4. I wouldn't be shocked if they just put Impact on YouTube and/or on their website. I don't think channels are falling over themselves to give them a deal to be on the air there.

5. If you're going to draw out a feud that long, you pretty much have to have the title switch every so often. I do think it shows them as pretty much even. And it doesn't hurt that they can presumably have Charlotte end up being near her dad's record at some point.

More wrestling tomorrow.

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