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Monday, October 2, 2017

WWE-related merch news, WWE injury update, and how WWE should change their booking

Nike is making a Balor Club sneaker. That looks pretty good!

NFL players Mohamed Sanu Sr. and Juli Jones represented Ric Flair at a game this weekend. That's awesome.

Cesaro worked this weekend's Raw live events after needing medical help following No Mercy. I don't remember ever hearing of someone hitting something so hard their teeth moved up into their gums by several milliliters before this. That's brutal.

For my take on yesterday's question:
Each show should have a different feel and direction. For instance, Raw and Smackdown shouldn't try to be like NXT. I'd like to see each "brand" more or less treated like a separate promotion in that sense, with as little shared backstage personnel as possible to truly allow things to develop independently. Of course, trades need to still happen every so often, and you can still have them share big PPVs, but I'd like to see things differentiate to the level that WWF, WCW, and ECW did years ago. That way, when someone switches shows, there's a bigger question of how they'll adapt. Plus, if someone is a fan of the way WWE currently does things but not NXT (or vice versa) they can watch their chosen product without everything feeling pretty much the same.

More wrestling tomorrow.

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