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Monday, October 28, 2013

WWE Hell in a Cell Reax - 10/27/13

Read on for my thoughts on last night's Hell in a Cell PPV.
I liked Miz showing fire and wanting to face Bray. There are definitely worse uses for pre-show time.

Pretty cool Shield/Big E segment. Nice save from Axel not being able to compete.

I'm a little shocked that they had Sandow win on the pre-show, since they usually try to warm the crowd up with a babyface victory (and get them in the mood to order with some good vibes). But I can't complain that Sandow's getting some momentum now.

Hell in a Cell:
That was an awesome start to the PPV proper. The superplex spot was insane. I like that they told a story beyond "check out all these cool moves". That seems to be something of a lost art at times.

Now that was a pretty cool segment. Kane made a big return.

The Fandango segment felt like WWE was desperate to fill time somehow and needed a more "soft" segment after Kane's return.

Ouch. Can I just forget that match ever happened? I liked the Summer Rae/Natalya wrestling, but I don't know if this needed to be on a show people paid a lot of money for. Some levity is ok, but this was a clustermess.

Big E vs. Ambrose wasn't bad at all. They showed some potential here. More main roster experience is definitely needed for both, but I like what I'm seeing so far.

That post-match made sense - Ambrose keeps the title, but Langston got the last laugh.

I loved Heyman's promo to set up him being on top of the Cell. Very clever.

I didn't dislike the actual match inside the Cell. Sadly, the match has been so watered down now from the fact that it's been done so many times since its inception. It's no longer special. But for a hardcore match, I liked it.

Good post-match to presumably wrap this one up until Brock comes back. I definitely don't think they should do Punk vs. Ryback or Axel any more.

Really good Bryan promo, as his promos usually are.

I really liked the Los Matadores vs. Real Americans match, even though it was a little short. Cesaro's really impressive.

Can't say I'm shocked at that post-match. Like I've alluded to, this was just something to kind of "reset" the crowd from HIAC and Bryan's big promo.

Cena vs. Del Rio was very solid. I can't say I'm thrilled that we're going to be seeing Cena on a regular basis again, but I understand why they put the title on him. He's in great form and is a big star.

I liked the post-match, though another Cena reign of terror is certainly coming.

I expected Brie to win there. Interesting. Fine match for the time it had.

Ehh, another silly comedy skit. Not my cup of tea.

Ohh, boy. I can see HHH getting involved in this one.

Wasn't really feeling that ending, but the match itself was really good. Hopefully people won't paint the whole match by how it ended (but who am I kidding?). Bryan and Orton get a lot of praise from me for their work here.

More wrestling coming up.

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