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Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Better BFG crowd estimate, backstage BFG notes, NXT star note, Interviews with Credible/Rhino/Ambrose/Steve Cox, new combined wrestling fed, wrestler passes away, RVD update, Smackdown audience, Sunny health update, BFG injuries, Main Event match, Smackdown segment, NXT stars at Raw and Questions on Hogan's fame, the next generation of main eventers, Cena returning, Brawl For All and Renee Young

In a correction to a previous story, Bound For Glory is believed to have drawn between 3,500 and 4,000 fans. That's really not bad. They've done better, but that's not bad.

There was no talk backstage at BFG about Hulk Hogan returning, though it's not off the table. I have nothing new to say here: time to move on from the Hogan/Sting era.

Jeff Jarrett worked as an agent at Bound For Glory. I wonder if he'll be a bigger part of things behind the scenes now.

Justin Gabriel beat Tyler Breeze again on the 10/20 WWE live event. Breeze had a promo before the match. I like the character at least.

Everything else from yesterday is after the break.

Here's the latest edition of Justin Credible's Wrestling 101. I think he makes some really good points.

Rhino, known as Rhyno in WWE, talked. I remember marking out HARD for the Gore back when Paul Heyman did commentary. I liked the Booker story.

WWE's statement about the WWE Network was picked up. WWE will have a conference call at the end of the month, so they'll likely say something about the network's status there.

Dean Ambrose talked ahead of a Smackdown taping. Nothing too newsworthy.

In a move that's bound to draw NWA comparisons, a number of independent promotions have decided to pool resources and feature one top champion. I've heard fans suggest ideas like this for a while, so I hope it works out. Obviously this is just step one. Hopefully it would grow beyond those areas.

An early '90s performer named Calvin Knapp has passed away. I can't say that name rings a bell, but condolences to all affected nonetheless.

Steve Cox talked about the old school. Nice read. Controversial remarks about Hall, but I see where his feelings are coming from. That X-Pac (1-2-3 Kid) story was hysterical. I'm a fan of Pac, but I can just picture that happening. Also, I can see some angry responses coming to those remarks about Punk and Cena.

RVD was booked for this weekend's Ringsidefest through WWE. He's still under contract, just taking a break.

Smackdown hit 2.64 million viewers this week. Nice.

Tammy "Sunny" Sytch has received word that her cervical cancer has returned. That's very sad to hear. I hope she recovers.

TNA released injury information from Bound For Glory. How much of this is legitimate and how much is storyline is unknown. I remember it being a pretty regular occurrence from TNA PPVs that there'd be a number of injuries. The "crash and burn" style isn't doing anyone any favors.

Goldust vs. Seth Rollins will be on this week's Main Event. That could be pretty cool. I dig the veteran vs. newcomer thing when the veteran in question can still "go" and has knowledge to pass on. I think Goldust fits the bill there.

Randy Orton will be a guest on MizTV on Smackdown. Meh. It feels like I've seen enough of both of them for a while.

NXT's Xavier Woods and Tyler Breeze were backstage at Raw. Make of that what you will. Hopefully both men (and many others in NXT) have bright futures on the main roster.

For my take on yesterday's questions:
1. I don't think Hogan's got nearly as much worldwide mainstream reach as, say, the pope or Oprah or Barack Obama. I could be wrong. It'd be interesting to find out where he ranks at any rate.

2. We don't know 100% for sure that those names will be retired (though it does seem like something of a safe bet). Either way, WWE definitely needs to use their time wisely in creating new top-tier players while the names mentioned can still compete.

3. They just totally left out the part where Cena recovered months ahead of schedule. From just reading their answer, you'd think that his return date was completely arbitrary and WWE could have done whatever they wanted. I think the top storyline would have (and still can!) done great for Bryan, Rhodes, etc.. I almost think that "smarks" don't want WWE to succeed in getting those stars over so they can still complain. "Cena sucks and WWE should push new stars" gets a lot more clicks than "WWE knows what they're doing", so that's what we're more likely to get. Even when the headline's too good to be true. Business was likely going to take a hit no matter how well others were booked in Cena's absence. It takes time to build new stars.

4. The whole thing was a shoot.

5. They've definitely had worse people in similar roles, male and female. I like what I've seen from her so far.

More wrestling tomorrow.

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