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Saturday, October 5, 2013

Identity of TNA's Ethan, Heel Dixie tweet, Interviews with Ryback/Reigns/Bryan, Impact audience and Questions on Aces and Eights, Punk, WWE PPVs, the HHH/Bryan story, and WWE post-Vince

New TNA character Ethan is former NXT performer Derrick Bateman. I already like him more than Lei'D Tapa. Yikes. Bateman definitely showed potential during his time in WWE. I think it was more of a case of WWE having too few spots than him not being talented. I'm not crazy about the Ethan character so far, but if anyone can make it work, it's Bateman.

TNA is on the lookout for more talent to bring in as well. I hope in the next year they make some steps in the right direction in that regard. While there are definitely some talented people in TNA who should be kept around, there are also definitely people I'd like to be replaced.

Dixie Carter put out a heel tweet. By default, she's more entertaining than a lot of TNA characters. I wonder if she enjoys the role and if she writes her own material.

Everything else from yesterday is after the break.

Ryback was interviewed about the Raw taping after Battleground. This guy's got a great work ethic. I'm very impressed by his commitment. As far as the Goldberg thing goes, I think a lot of credit has to go with how he was booked and how his opponents worked with him. It definitely wasn't just a case of him being an amazing worker who would have succeeded under any circumstances. Ryback has some balls standing up to Taker.

Impact's audience was 1.13 million again this week. I think the fact that the show was built around a big Hulk Hogan segment and didn't do all that well tells you all you need to know about whether they made the right decision about letting him go.

Here's a Roman Reigns interview ahead of Battleground. The Shield's doing pretty well with their big push right out of the gate. As for old vs. young, I think you do need some veterans around to work with the younger stars. It's a case-by-case basis on who should stay and who should go. Reigns came across well in the piece.

Here's an interview with former WWE/World Champion Daniel Bryan. Well-written piece. Having someone main event every show for two months is an odd way to "bury" someone.

For my take on yesterday's questions:
1. I don't think I'd mind Aces and Eights dropping Bully and turning face. I think they'd have to change the gimmick a bit to truly be faces, but it'd be something fresh for the group.

2. It's insane how much Punk has been able to work through. I think they need to use him wisely so he has some time to heal.

3. That's it. They're ok with doing a bunch of rematches on PPVs if it's economically feasible.

4. I can see Bryan being a part of the main event picture for a while, along with other names. Can he be as big as those guys? Maybe not. But time will tell. It seems like we're starting to enter a new era that prefers stars like Bryan, Rollins, Ambrose, and Cesaro to the stereotypical big, built performer. As for the villains never being able to be toppled, that's laughable. The IWC loves to exaggerate. What if Bryan wins the WWE Title before Mania and faces HHH in a match where HHH and Stephanie lose power if he wins?

5. HHH is the force behind the current season of NXT. How much of that show is taken up by Raw Rebounds, HHH interviews, etc.? How much of it is taken up by young wrestlers having promos and matches, good storytelling, etc.? Anyone who thinks the storyline is how things are going to play out in real life is getting worked.

More wrestling tomorrow.

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