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Friday, October 4, 2013

More on new WWE figures, former ECW star to talk, WWE at the Olympics, Interviews with Darren Young/WWE Encyclopedia co-author, Cena appearance, new WWE signings, JR update, WWE seeks new VPs and Questions on Battleground, 2nd-generation chumps, Bryan vs. Lesnar, rehashing old angles and Cena saving the day

Here's the official press release on WWE working with McFarlane Toys. I look forward to seeing what other statues they'll have. C.M. Punk please?

Former WWE executive/ECW star Lou D'Angeli will be part of the Life is Beautiful Festival to discuss his time in the original ECW. Should be interesting.

WWE has filmed pro-U.S. promos for the upcoming winter Olympic Games. That's a big event to advertise on, so it makes sense to showcase the WWE name there.

Darren Young spoke to People magazine about his decision to come out. That's big press for WWE. I'm glad they've supported him in a positive way.

Everything else from yesterday is after the break.
The co-author of the WWE Encyclopedia was interviewed. Very interesting to read about the process of putting some of those things together. The story about the video store was funny.

John Cena will appear at the Austin Comic Con by Wizard World on the weekend from 11/22-11/24. He's even busy when he's injured!

WWE has made some new signings from the recent Performance Center tryout:
- Dylan Mile, a 25-year-old who impressed trainers with his agility. He's 6'3" and 285 lbs.

- Leah Van Dale, a former cheerleader for the New England Patriots and Los Angeles Lakers. Her father Paul wrestled in the '90s for the WWF and independently.

Hopefully both signings do good things.

Speaking of last month's tryout, they featured former TNA star Joey Ryan and ROH tag team Eddie Edwards and Davey Richards. None of those names have been offered contracts yet. Edwards and Richards aren't currently under ROH contract, so all three are free agents. I'd be curious to see how any or all of them would do in WWE.

Jim Ross gave an update on his life post-WWE. I'd love to see his show in person.

WWE has job openings for two major executive positions. It's an exciting time for some of the ways they're expanding.

For my take on yesterday's questions:
1. I think at least some of the blame has to fall on the fact that the last PPV was just three weeks ago. That would have been the case whether a man who's in the midst of the biggest push of his life is being "buried" or not. It was almost inevitable that most matches would be rematches or continuations of things from last month. The other option is having a match with hardly any build. It's lose-lose in some regards, but WWE will make enough money off the show for it to be justified.

2. Ahh, nepotism. I believe Dixie Carter has children. I wonder if they'll ever be pushed in TNA?

3. I'd love to see it! It'd be a great way to put Bryan over.

4. I'd actually find the soy milk thing rather funny (or maybe he could use almond milk?). I definitely don't want to see Linda back. That ship has sailed and I'm pretty sure she'd rather distance herself from WWE at this stage of her life.

5. They definitely don't HAVE to go that route. They might, and I hope they don't, but they don't have to. It could easily be Bryan vs. Orton and Bryan vs. Show leading to Bryan vs. HHH at Mania. As for Bryan and Rhodes, they also don't have to go over definitely on Sunday. It'd be great if they did, but it would by no means be impossible for them to get over as big stars without getting a big win then. And to be fair, some people DO want to see Cena save the day. Not me and not a lot of other IWC members, but there are people out there.

More wresting tomorrow.

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