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Saturday, October 12, 2019

Friday Night Smackdown and 205 Live Reax - 10/11/19

Read on for my thoughts on last night's Friday Night Smackdown and 205 Live.
-- FNSD:
- Seth vs. Reigns:
I liked the respect to start. They could be on the same show soon after all.

I like how they play off each other.

This is pretty nice.

This is impressive.

NIIIIIIICE Pedigree spot.

Well, that was an interesting turn of events!

"Smackdown on FOX will have a more sports like direction."

- Corbin promo:
Questionable direction at best.

- Buck/Aikman:
I'm ready for an end to cameos.

- Corbin vs. Gable:
Yeah I don't know how much longer Gable has under contract, but if there's no push coming at the end of this, it's time to look at AEW and NJPW.

Well at least there's good action here.

Good action here.

If you can't win with Chaos Theory, something's wrong.

These two do work together pretty well.

Aaaaaand another clean loss for Gable. He should be hoping to be drafted to NXT or something.

- NFL Sunday panel:
I mean I appreciate how FOX is getting behind the show but this feels really forced and outdated.

- Brock/Heyman/Rey/Cain:
It is pretty clever to use someone we know can handle Brock.

I like this build. Yes, I think it sucks the sacrificed Kofi (and Dominick?) for it, but by itself it's good.

That was cool.

- More football shit:
Look unless these guests are in a 77-man battle royal at Crown Jewel, I really don't care about them. I see the argument it adds credibility to "FOX wanting to draft talent," but I don't know if fans really care about that?

- New Day vs. OC:
Wow Kofi's already down to U.S. level, huh?

Nice for the time it had. There's a lot of non-match stuff to get through with the draft.

- More draft analysis:
I hope the people who wanted more sports in their sports entertainment are enjoying all these takes.

- Bayley entrance:
This is great character work. I love how they've set up her turn.

- Charlotte vs. Bayley:
This is good so far.

This is pretty nice!

These two always work together well.

Surprise abrupt ending, but glad to see Bayley get some focus.

- Post-match:
Profanity almost always comes across as cheap. I hope they build her well from here.

-- 205 Live:
- Show returning:
It's worth noting there were reports that the show wasn't going to air again this week, so who knows how long it will remain in existence.

- Gulak/Nese vs. Oney/Burch:
I missed the action on this show last week.

Yeah they're making up for lost time here.

Solid work as always on this show (unless the Singhs are involved).

Good to see more of Burch.

This is going pretty well.

That was a battle! Good work.

- Gulak interview:
It's really odd seeing him suddenly lose, but he's clearly still with the company.

- Lio interview:
PLEASE make this chance mean something, Lio.

- Ariya promo:
Fun enough, even if it was your pretty standard "we're in Vegas" promo.

- Ariya vs. Bey:
Within the span of five weeks, Bey has worked for Impact, ROH, and now WWE. He's clearly the guy to beat in Nevada.

Not bad to remind us Ariya exists.

- Akira vs. Kendrick:
I swear there was a clearance sale on kendo sticks recently!

I like this so far.


Wow. This is intense for a show we didn't know would even air this week.

I loved the Sliced Bread spot.

I guess there were a lot of steel chairs WWE needed to get rid of, too.

This is great!

Oh. Huh. Didn't expect him to appear again.

Interesting direction. Good work, though.

More wrestling coming up.

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