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Monday, October 7, 2019

Hell in a Cell Reax

Read on for my thoughts on last night's WWE Network special event.
-- Kickoff:
- Booker on the panel:
I definitely like the selling of HIAC as a match you want to avoid ending up in, although as always now it's "that match that happens in October" instead of "that match that ends heated feuds."

- Alexa/Nikki interview:
I wonder when they found out they'd have a match on the show.

Not a great hype job, since their opponents "haven't earned it" "haven't accomplished anything as a team" and have already lost to the champs before.

- Flair interview:
I wonder who FOX wants to be their leading female face.

- Lacey vs. Natalya:
Smooth work so far.

I'm liking this.

This has some good intensity.

Oh wow. Pretty good ending.

- Post-match:
That feels pretty definitive.

- Ali/Orton:
Yeah this man needs a consistent push.

Hey as far as quick builds go that works.

- Rowan interview:
That was pretty solid.

-- HIAC:
- Becky vs. Sasha:
Haha I liked that start.

Oh this is a war already. As it should be.

Damn. A TLC Cell match.

This is pretty impressive. They're out to prove something.

I really like the physicality in this one.

Damn. This is pretty intense.

Those spots on the bottom of the chair were pretty sick.

This is WILD.

This is a very high-level match. I like it a lot.

This is a WAR.

Amazing match! Both women looked like warriors.

- Roman/Bryan vs. Harper/Rowan:
I love tornado tag matches.

Solid action early.

I'm very glad to see Harper and Rowan used in a big way without a goofy gimmick.

I'm enjoying the Harper/Rowan teamwork.

NICE jackhammer spot.

The heels are getting some serious offense here.

I like all the action involved in this.

I'm loving all the chaos here.


That was cool as hell.

- Post-match:
Hahaha. Good times.

- Seth interview:
Good stuff. They've built this feud well.

- Orton vs. Ali:
I can't help but think Randy will get the rebound win here.

Randy's decimating him so far.

Orton with the methodical pace to follow two very action-heavy matches.

I like the back and forth here.

Very cool ending sequence. I'm curious what's next for both men.

- Alexa/Nikki vs. Kabukis:
Wow. Mean streak from Kairi.

This has more fire than I was expecting. I can see why Asuka and Kairi would change tactics after so many setbacks!

I can totally get behind this team as heels if it's done right.

I loved the elbow drop counter.

Oh wow. I guess Asuka ran into Tajiri backstage.

- OC vs. Braun/VE:
Talk about a perfectly combined trio.

Karl, Luke, and the Vikings are natural adversaries.

This is pretty nice.

I like how these sides are working together.

Oh. Well. This was going pretty well until that ending. I guess rematch is coming...

- Post-match:
Good continuation.

I would say Braun will challenge AJ for the U.S. Title, but he's got to job to a boxer first.

- Profits/24/7 title shenanigans:
Can't say I expected Tamina to hold another title in WWE.

- Corbin promo:
Same old, same old.

- Corbin vs. Gable:
At least Gable's getting to show what he can do.

Not bad so far, though I think this exists to fill time.

They work together well.

Oh come on, Chaos Theory was just a two count???

This is pretty nice.

Eh. Not a bad ending to continue a feud I'm less than enthused about.

- 24/7 Title shenanigans:
Hahah kind of wanted to see Funaki hold gold again.

- Bayley vs. Flair:
I like how these two work together.

Pretty solid work here.

I like the back and forth here.

Nice work!

- Gable/Corbin:
Yeah these height jokes are getting really tired.

The King strikes again!!!

- Seth vs. Fiend:
Oh The Fiend looks strong here.

I loved that suicide dive counter.


Rollins is going to damn near have to kill him to win.

Good God how many finishers did he just kick out of????

Yeah this is overkill.


Damn this is some horror movie shit.

This is a really weird match.


- Post-match:
This is absolutely bizarre.

Really, really weird way to end a PPV. I don't know quite what they were going for, but it wasn't really satisfying.

More wrestling coming up.

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