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Monday, June 20, 2011

Raw thoughts- 6/20/11

Another 3-hour Raw is on the table tonight, thanks to a decision by last week's General Manager Stone Cold Steve Austin USA Network. We've got a Power to the People (Viewers' Choice) theme tonight: What will the WWE Universe decide for the show? Plus, we get all the fall out from last night's Capitol Punishment, including R-Truth being unable to take the WWE Title from John Cena and Big Show being taken out once more by Alberto Del Rio. Read on for my thoughts on the show as it happens.
Interesting start to the show. Maybe they're saving Cena and R-Truth for the start of their normal timeslot.

Oh, while I'm thinking about it, something I forgot to add to my ideas for tonight (from the Capitol Punishment preview): The Championship Scramble for the U.S. Title would have the fans choosing the order of participants.

This announce team again? I'm missing Josh Mathews.

No complaints with this segment starting the show. I like that Punk wants to go for the WWE Title after "finishing business" with Mysterio.

I loved Punk doing umm... canvas angels. Fun segment to set things up for later tonight.

No AJ or Kaitlyn? Fine... I'll go with Beth Phoenix.

Why am I not surprised at that result? Kids with cell phones, I tell ya...

Somehow I don't think that'd be the viewers' choice for an announce team.

Darn you Kharma's pregnancy. This would have been a great time for a Diva squashing.

Nice package on Evan Bourne. That came out wrong...

There's some good trolling potential with a B vote here. I'm going with Swagger. They play off of each other really well. This one's Sin Cara's to win, though.

And this is why the internet doesn't decide elections. GG, trolls.

Ryan's a big dude. And yes, very Batista-esque as far as his look goes. Over a decade younger and Welsh, though.

It is pretty weird that the fans picked Ryan. Is there some kind of phone text-spammer I'm unaware of?

Or maybe they did think it was Batista...

Meh. As hilarious as the upset was, I'd rather have seen a better match-up.

Bodyslam challenge for me. I see the trolls wanting arm wrestling, though. Goofs.

Thankfully they seem to be rebuilding Mark Henry after the last couple of weeks of questionable booking.

Fine promo from Mark Henry. Hard to believe this guy used to be Sexual Chocolate.

Y'all Jimmys votin' in a troll Raw.

Don't blame WWE! Blame the people who voted for an arm wrestling match. Please tell me this turns into something more worthwhile.

I think they did about the best they could with that segment.

Good choice to start the 9:00 hour.

WHY did we have to wait so long before we got heel R-Truth. All that dancing and singing when we could have gotten this instead. He was a nice midcard act in that gimmick, but I'm liking this much better.

R-Truth and Christian being on the same page makes perfect sense.

This is fun and crazy at the same time.

It's the Alliance of Heels Who Are Upset They Lost Last Night!

Ok, that got pretty dumb at the end.

Teddy's wearing Raw colors!

So the Raw GM's just going to let him make a match on his show?

I'm fine with that 6-man. I wonder what stupid stipulation we'll end up with.

I'm going 2 out of 3 falls. At least those are 3 mostly good options.

No problems with this match. Nice back-and-forth.

I always liked the "he hit his finisher, but it was on the outside of the ring" and everything that follows spot.

Cool ending. Dolph looked a little weak, though.

Yeah, blame Stone Cold for arm-wrestling matches and Mason Ryan facing Evan Bourne.

R-Truth not #1 Contender again? Don't know if want...

Ah heck, we'll go falls count anywhere. Those are usually fun.

I forgot about no Ricardo for a bit.

Something tells me that car might be destroyed by Big Show at some point.

More Zack Ryder signs this week. Is it even newsworthy to point them out anymore?

It just dawned on me that if this was a no DQ match, the New Nexus could have interfered on Punk's behalf.

So much for Rey hitting a 1238.

Mysterio's still got it.

So much for these guys fighting all over the arena. Still a heck of a match, though.

Punk vs. Cena will be an interesting one. If he's taking time off, he's going out with a bang. Should be pretty obvious which way the Chicago crowd will cheer. I can't really blame them for going this route, though I wonder where R-Truth goes from here.

How convenient that it expires on that date. This storyline will be interesting in a "worked shoot" way. I hope he comes back at some point afterward. A story where he leaves with the championship (obviously they'd need a pretty ironclad statement that he'd return) would be a lot of fun to follow. But what would everyone do in the meantime?

I'm picking a collegiate rules match. Rhodes does have an amateur wrestling background to go up against what Bryan brings to the table.

I'm glad I didn't get the book tonight. My "make the choice pretty obvious" tactic would have really backfired!

Meh. 'Twas what it was.

I really hope this is the last we get of this commentary team.

No Sin Cara run-in? I guess maybe they were worried about how well he'd be able to pull off some of his moves.

A paper bag over that arena's exterior would be an improvement.

Dance competition. Oh boy. I don't know if there's a "right answer" here. I'll save my money on this one (and  I've got more than enough texts left to use this month).

Too much information.

Lawler and Booker are Statler and Waldorf tonight.


Elimination match. But we'll get one of the others because they're pretty stupid.

Gimmicks and special appearances everywhere this month on Raw.

I hope Riley's look and music is still a work in progress. I like him alright, but I don't really see "main eventer" in him.

Oh thank goodness. I was all set to facepalm for "One fall to the finish".

Having 3 commentators in general isn't ideal. When it's these 3 commentators, it's a race to the mute button.

So is it going to be Cena or Orton who overcomes a 3-on-1 deficit?

I'll be glad when we get back to 2 hours without gimmicks. Variety is the spice of life, but too much spice can make you sick.

I say this one should end with Christian beating Orton setting up something for Smackdown. Or Punk costing Cena somehow.

Well, at least we don't have someone running through 3 main eventers by himself.

Christian pinning Orton with a spear was awesome.

Fine match ending; it took 2 finishers to beat Christian so he's still somewhat protected.

Kind of weird seeing 2 World Champions in the same ring. That would have been unheard of back in the pre-brand split days (excluding the Invasion angle).

And we're done here. I'll be back tomorrow for NXT and a news post will be up later tonight. Thanks for reading!

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