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Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Queries on Punk and Compton, video of new tag champs, Questions on Brodus, Flair in the HoF twice, big stories, and Mil Mascaras, Henry off Smackdown house shows, how WWE is viewing Cena vs. Rock, HBK to visit at Smackdown, a look at the ECW Arena, response to no Punk on UFC, Belding backstage, TNA stars at fundraiser, Angle changes Twitter name, Miz appearance in L.A., Lockdown location, and a new WWE signing has famous dad

Some queries to start the day:
1. There hasn't been any kind of update on C.M. Punk's condition lately, so it's assumed he's "toughing it out" after his recent physically demanding matches. He hasn't missed any matches or appearances.

2. Still no update on either major company signing Cliff Compton, though both have been said to be interested in the time since his Nigerian adventure. He is, however, working in TNA's Indian promotion Ring Ka King.

Here's a video from the live event where Primo and Epico became the new WWE Tag Team Champions.

As for my look at Monday's questions:
1. The gimmick's been going for a week and it's already been determined how high it will be able to get over? Unbelievable. Yeah, he'll probably go the way of that "Sexual Chocolate" guy who had a hand for a kid, or that one "Doctor of Thuganomics" guy, or even that guy from the MTV show! K-Kwik, Oz, Jean-Paul Levesque, Dr. Isaac Yankem... none of those guys amounted to anything. Listen to the experts. They know what they're talking about when they write someone off after their first couple of appearances.

After the break, I go into the rest of the day's questions and news, starting with whether Ric Flair will be in the Hall of Fame for a second time now.

 2. The way I understand it, he'll get a second ring and everything! Pretty cool. I can see it happening with Shawn Michaels when DX inevitably goes in (probably without Chyna), and probably some others down the line.

3. I'm still pretty young in my career (which is more of a part-time hobby), so I don't think I've ever actually broken a story. I don't see that changing any time soon: it'd be next to impossible to compete with the well-connected people who do this for a living!

4. It didn't happen on TV, so not a lot of people knew/know about it. It would probably confuse a lot of the audience if they announced Edge and the Horsemen as inductions #2 and 3, as #1 wasn't very highly promoted.

5. There was an article with quotes from Ole over the weekend that added a little more to what they said, but that was the gist of it. I don't know exactly how it got worked out, but Flair will be appearing on stage at the ceremony and speaking that night. From the sounds of things, it was just as easy as WWE inducting him, since there hasn't been anything about him "getting permission from Dixie to attend" or anything. Maybe he has some special contract with TNA that allows such things. I'm not sure. I wouldn't expect him to appear for WWE beyond that while with TNA, though.

Mark Henry didn't work this weekend's Smackdown house shows, presumably due to his injury. As far as I know he's still on tap for everything from tonight onward until further notice.

WWE is thinking of building the John Cena vs. Rock match in a somewhat similar fashion to the "Twilight" phenomenon with fans separating into two distinct packs like the "Team Edward" and "Team Jacob" attached to that fandom. That's honestly not a bad idea. I hope it works for them and this doesn't harm Cena as a draw long-term. He shouldn't play second fiddle to someone who's not going to be a regular part of the company going forward.

Shawn Michaels will be in attendance at this week's Smackdown taping, but is only expected to visit. I don't really see a reason for him to appear on-screen unless it benefits the build of either a Superstar or the Rumble itself.

Here's a final look at the former ECW Arena, which has held its last wrestling show. Very historical.

People at WWE are said to be disappointed in the decision barring C.M. Punk from appearing at UFC on Fox, because of the buzz it would have certainly brought. A WWE-contracted talent appearing there would be bizarre on the surface, but I think in this case it would have been worth it for the added attention.

Dennis Haskins was indeed backstage at Raw, but obviously didn't make an appearance on-screen. I don't think he needed to. The show worked well as it was (outside of Perez Hilton. Sheesh.).

Christopher Daniels, Kazarian, and Traci Brooks will appear at the Palmdale Learning Plaza in Palmdale, CA from 4-6 p.m. on 1/17.

Kurt Angle changed his Twitter handle to @RealKurtAngle. Make note of that.

The Miz, full of energy as always, appeared on My Fox L.A. to promote Raw in Anaheim.

TNA will hold Lockdown on 4/15 in Nashville, TN (where TNA was founded). That makes sense as they approach the date of their 10th anniversary. I wonder what they have planned for Slammiversary?

Jody Kristofferson, whose father Kris is a country music star an actor, has signed a developmental deal with WWE following a number of years training and toiling as a wrestler. He's made at least two appearances as an enhancement talent for WWE in the past two years.

That's all for Monday's news. More to come tomorrow. Thanks for reading!

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