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Sunday, December 2, 2012

Superstars and Saturday Morning Slam Reax - 12/1/12, NXT talent working live events, International talent getting WWE tryout?, Fandango works live event, and Questions on Brad Maddox, Kelly Kelly, Punk's DVD, and Heyman vs. Vince

Santino is a much better wrestler than his gimmick would suggest. I was impressed. Otunga has grown as an in-ring talent.

I really hope Brodus can work longer matches. They had a chance to show that he could here and didn't pull the trigger. Fine squash but I want to see something longer from him.

Saturday Morning Slam:
DiBiase vs. Mahal was nice. WWE has all this young talent who can go, but continues to focus on the same core group of people.

Good tag action as well. I wish WWE promoted Superstars and SMS better.

Everything else from yesterday is after the break.

NXT's Corey Graves worked this weekend's Raw live events, losing to Zack Ryder. He's got a good deal of experience and a unique look so if he's good in the ring I think WWE might have something.

International talent Emil Sitoci got a dark match at the 11/6 Smackdown taping, which could have been a tryout for the company. He lost to Jack Swagger.

NXT's Paige worked a Smackdown live event, in a tag match also featuring Layla, Natalya, and Aksana. I've seen a few matches of hers, and let me put it this way: they've allowed worse Divas to make it to the main roster. She's got a unique look, international experience, and a cult-following in NXT, so she could be one to watch.

In another live event note, Johnny Curtis worked as Fandango and defeated Ted DiBiase. I've been a fan of his since his work on Season 5 of NXT. If anyone can pull off such an odd gimmick, it's him.

For my take on yesterday's questions:
1. It wouldn't shock me to see him brought up again in the future, either as a referee or a wrestler. I do see why they used him as they used him, though: In kayfabe, he's a kid with little experience who was told he couldn't cut it on the main roster. He went up against someone who is killing pretty much everyone on the main roster, and who was ticked at him. Ryback got some heat back from losing at HIAC by destroying him and right now keeping Ryback strong should be a top priority. That said, I was impressed by Maddox in his role and if he can wrestle, I'd like to see him get a chance to in the future.

2. Well, she's dyed her hair black so I don't think she's planning on trying to go back to WWE. Plus it was WWE's decision to release her after she had agreed to a new deal.

Nothing to add to 3.

4. That's awesome news! Hopefully WWE will take note of the dollar signs Punk brings to the table.

5. I think I'll have to go with Heyman as well. Look at the amount of talent Vince pushed/pushes who previously worked with another company and isn't in their original gimmick. Austin: groomed in ECW. Foley: Groomed in ECW. Rock: Saved by the Attitude Era from being who he was as Rocky Maivia. Cena: was going to be released before he was caught rapping. Kane: not in his original gimmick. Google Isaac Yankem to see what WWE had planned for him previously. Mysterio: came up through WCW and ECW. Ditto for Jericho, Benoit, and Guerrero. Punk of course was a Heyman guy who WWE had no idea what to do with. Big Show: WCW guy. You get the picture.

More wrestling tomorrow.

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