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Monday, February 18, 2013

TNA changes PPV schedule, and Questions on managers, Lesnar, and Aces and Eights

TNA will now be taping its One Night Only PPVs on 3/17, 3/18, and 3/19 instead of 3/17, 3/23 and 3/24. I suppose it makes sense to get them all out of the way within that amount of time. It'll just be brutal for anyone working PPV-level matches twice in one night or multiple times in one weekend. I don't know if that's worth the trade-off.

For my take on yesterday's questions:
1. You can definitely make an argument that managers/valets/seconds are making something og a comeback. I don't necessarily think it's a push to put more managers on TV, though. I think it's just a case where they felt that each talent would benefit from having someone else being a part of the act. I think all of the names mentioned have brought something good to the table.

Nothing to really add to 2. They pretty much explained it.

Everything else from yesterday is after the break.

3. Without knowing how much he's being paid and how much the return-on-investment is, it's hard to say! That said, he's been involved in some big angles and buyrates are higher when he's on a card. So they're at least getting some benefits with having him around. I think you can also factor in Paul Heyman's comeback adding to the product, since he came back because of Brock.

4. I'll be really disappointed if it's Bischoff. Especially since we went through the whole angle of Garett running him off. I don't think him coming back would really add to anything of note. I'd really like to see Jarrett come back personally. It's been long enough since he's been gone that his act is fresh. I think he's very talented on the mic and in the ring, and him coming back would really add legitimacy to the faction. I think it would be kind of stupid to swerve us and put Bully Ray in charge. I'd get Fingerpoke of Doom flashbacks.

5. NNNNNNNNNOOOOOOOOOOOOOO. The last thing TNA needs is to go back to Sting vs. Hogan. Just for that, you get MLP:
Now, where were we? Oh, that's actually all the news for today. More wrestling tomorrow, and check out later in the day for an extended look at yesterday's news and events.

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